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Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:45:47 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Due to the fact he is male..... nnnnnnnnno, I don't think so.  LOLOLOk
Beth... lets continue on with the story you so considerately left out.
First off so you all know Jasmyn was adopted by Beth when Sean got his
Rocky for the TN rescue center.  It was a great day indeed.  Alright back
to our ferretone story and her son.  The resssssst of the story is she came
knocking on my door coughing she was laughing so hard at what her son had
done.  She had told me when we mixed the concoction, "watch even if I tell
him not to drink it, he'll forget".  As you read her son gulped it down
despite the warning.  So meanwhile, I'm dismayed it would have caused him
to get dry heaves.
My curiosity was killing me.  Folks it had to be done.  I walked inside my
home and picked up a ferretone bottle, took a long wiff, and in my mouth it
went (just a few drops).  Well, at first I said how odd it was that her son
reacted so harshly as it seemed to have no taste at all, just smell.  Oh I
thought eveeerything was fine and dandy when finally it hit!  The oil
spread through out my mouth, and there was no taking it away.  My tongue
felt coated then all of a sudden the oil hit the back of my throat making
me gag.  I knew not to make the same mistake as her son (he drank water
lol), I grabbed a peanut butter cookie and took a rather large chomp.
OKAAAAAY like that made it better.  Beth was crying she was laughing so
hard as I was bent over the trash can trying to spit out the cookie.  Then
I was running water over my tongue to no avail.  Then I finally took a
paper towel to get it all off.  That did the trick.  Then, I drank coke...
cause don't ya know coke eats away at everything and all was well.
Well all was well not for long.  I was still curious.  You see the
concoction was olive oil and ferretone.  I thought gee.... I wondeeeeeer.
Yup you guessed I chugged a taste out of the bottle to see if that is what
got her son so sick.  That tasted bad, but didn't seem to bother me like
the ferretone....... uuuuut ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.... here comes the feeling
again!!!!!!!!!!!  I was bent over the trash can yet again.  My poor, poor
neighbor was bent over.  I don't see how she will be able to walk straight
at work today.
I don't see what was so funny to her with me though... I mean if you could
have seen the expression on her son's face from that event the rest of the
night.  I keep needling him, it's so funny.
thank you to the Glasgows for our fuzzy wonders
Ferred Education & Rescue of TN
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please stop in and see Sean, and our ferret miracles at:
[Posted in FML issue 2971]