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Tue, 1 Feb 2000 09:58:29 EST
Sandra King <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Critter--No particular reason, but it beat Snickers
Cinnamon aka Devil Ferret from Hell--I didn't name her Cinny, but it
fits.  Some circumstances she can be as sweet as a dab of cinnamon, other
circumstances she can be as fiery as a glob of cinnamon.  Tries to eat any
of my other ferrets
Monster Boy--He could unlock cages, manipulate objects to his advantage,
rough housed to no end, hunted my cat constantly
Fraidy Ferret--afraid of her own shadow
Chatter Box--always had something to say
Snuffles--she would greet me by snuffling around my ears and would
politely, as any ferret would, try to rid me of those nasty parasitic
Hopalong aka Hoppy--came to me with several broken bones.  His femur has
healed in the shape of an "x" leaving that leg shorter than the other
Savage--nipper extraordinaire, altho she's doing much better
Speedy--I swear she's on speed, never slows down, is always awake and
running around
Spooky Ears aka Gnasher--she's a dark silver with white ears.  She was at
the bottom of a darkened staircase and all I could see were her big white
ears.  She's also called Gnasher because if you have anything on your feet
she will bite to the bone, you're safe if you're barefoot, and she runs
around with a blue plastic bootie on her head biting things thru it.
Goofy little creature
Sloth Boy--fat, sluggish boy.  The only way I can tell he's excited about
anything is when his eyes light up.  If he moves too quickly, I swear he
thinks his fur will fall off.
[Posted in FML issue 2947]