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Sun, 9 Jan 2000 14:22:37 -0500
Allbill System <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
If you live in New York State (and the State goes beyond the confines of
NYC!)  Please consider the actions of Rudy, & his policy towards ferrets in
NYC.  I listened to his 'comments' on his radio show and Rudy showed his
true colors.  This is just my opinion, and you can listen to Rudy if you go
to 'This American Life' at <www.thislife.org> and search for the show about
pets.  Mr G. said (parapharsed, but I have tried to convey his content)
that people who have ferrets should 'seek psychiatric care'!  And he did
this after he hung up on the caller who tried to express their opinion
about the NYC Fert Ban.  Mr. G. went on to insult the caller and degrade
any person who shared space with a ferret!
Even if Mr. G. was going for 'effect' on his radio show, he still displayed
a distasteful quality that if he is elected a U.S. Senator for NY State, he
might attempt to inflict his views on a larger area!  I am not saying that
he could 'outlaw' ferrets in the U.S., but I would say this ... a Senator
has influence in ways us 'voters' do not often consider.  And a portion
of this 'influence' may impact our lives with ferrets.  Besides this, Mr.
G. (in my opinion) went out of his way to insult another person!  And to
insult a species who has benefited 'humankind' for at least 2 millennium!:o)
In the meantime, Mr. G. has created a policy in NYC which directly impacts
ferrets.  To enact a policy that ferrets should not be within the NY City
area results in placing each human in NYC who shares space with fuzzies
in the role of a 'criminal'!  These are people who are (in almost every
circumstance) responsible citizens who work for a living, pay their taxes,
and contribute to society.  I add the following e-mail as an opportunity
for each person who has an opinion about this issue (in relation to
Ferrets) to express their thoughts to the source of the issue!  Please take
this opportunity to use this virtual-medium to let Rudy know what they
feel!  Thanx :o)
Please comment to Rudy directly at <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2924]