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Thu, 30 Dec 1999 09:19:48 EST
Jennifer LaRossa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Dear FML kindred spirits,
The letter about Jade Elaine reminded me that I, too, have some unfinished
business that I should get to before the end of the year.  I am having
trouble accepting it, but pretending it didn't happen doesn't change
Both Rustle and Archie died this September.  Archie was first.  She had
been fine, just a little slower, and then suddenly was limp.  She was
allowed to not wake up during emergency surgery, when she was discovered to
be so riddled with cancer that she would have absolutely no quality of life
if she had been allowed to wake up.  Rustle went a few weeks later.  He had
been not quite himself for a while before Archie appeared sick and was
having periodic tests for low blood sugar, but nothing conclusive had been
found yet, and it was hard to see what might be done to determine what the
problem was as it was just a vague feeling I had that he wasn't quite
himself.  Both of them were eating and pooping and playing right up to the
day before they died.
Both these guys had excellent and frequent veterinary care, and they were
both loved, loved, loved.  Because although they were inexplicably
abandoned by their first people, they were both sweet and funny and smart
and lovable and beautiful.  I did the best I could for them, but they
deserved so much more, so much better.  That's another reason I didn't
write about them earlier.  I can't find the words to do justice to how
wonderful they were, and that makes it hurt worse.  Maybe I will just have
to let the couple of stories I posted about them earlier speak for them.
Anyway, that is the story with my babies.  I now have a pair of five year
old ferrets, renamed Wade and Lilypig, who needed a home after Archie died,
and who I adopted to keep Rustle company.  They are wonderful too...
different... but special in their own ways.  I love them, too, but I miss
Rustle and Archie all the time.
Even though I haven't been posting recently, please know that my spirit has
been with everyone of you who has had a sick, lost, or dying ferret.  And
also with you with the healthy ferrets.  People are right when they say we
need to learn from our ferrets to enjoy whatever and whenever we can.  Life
is too short.
Have a good new year, everyone,
Jenni, Wade and Lily, missing Rustle and Archie
[Posted in FML issue 2914]