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Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:19:33 EST
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[forwarded with permission. BIG]
Hi All,
Can't begin to tell you how hectic it's been.  We have had our hands full
and still do.  We have 52 ferrets in the shelter including our own.  I
truly don't have time to do much of anything but tend to ferrets, well
and sick.  More calls are coming in everyday for ferrets wanting to be
surrendered to the shelter and have been putting them in touch with
potential adopters, using the shelter as point of contact.  It has worked
out rather well but too many rescues and not enough adopters.
There is a new breeder in the Winston Salem area who is putting
unsocialized, sick ferrets into pet stores and have been working with pet
store owners and employees on nip training, cage set-up, diet and getting
them healthy.  Have contacted her and will be working with her after the
first of the year.  She is not putting any more out till after the first of
the year.  So between running around to 5 different counties pet stores,
caring for shelter ferts and trying to find homes for them, I haven't had
time to do anything else.
Yesterday was the first time I turned on my computer since the last
hurricane to find over 600 emails.  Slowly, I am getting around to reading
the applications which is top priority.
We have had 2 more deaths here at the shelter who were only here for a few
days.  The pair died from neglect and malnutrition.  Chicken gravy/duck
soup and SubQ fluids around the clock were not enough to save them.  Far
too weak to fight any more.  Were found in a dumpster in a cage with no
food or water.  God help the person who did this should I ever find out!!!!
God Bless,
Diane Campbell
Ferret Guardian Rescue Haven
111 Bay Berry Court
Statesville, NC 28677
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[Posted in FML issue 2901]