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Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:51:05 GMT
Stephanie Daniels <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Pepe insisted that I give him a taste of my Coke that I was drinking the
other day...and it was quite fizzy.  I poured some in the cap and let him
lick it while I sat on the bed....well wouldn't you know it- one lick and
he flips out...hops,jumps flips and curses all over the bed -flops
backwards and falls off into the crack between the bed and wall.  Much to
my surprise, he scrambled back up and came for more!  Only this time, he
puts his nose in and blows!!  Gives new meaning to the term "Blowing Coke"
haha.  Oh I laughed so hard Chimi had to come investigate, but would have
nothing to do with the Coke..he works for the D.E.A (Dooking Eternally
Agency)...and chased Pepe to the shredded paper box where a scuffle ensued.
Needless to say, they spent a night behind bars and are awaiting release.
This was Pepe's first experience with Coke...and I am afraid it has just
opened the door to experimenting with new substances.
From the Big House,
Stephanie, Chimi & Pepe (victim of society)
[Posted in FML issue 2842]