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perception of abuse - response to [log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0005 16556 14 8_Shedding16_Anonymous Poelation to
having abuse regulations if it would make sense for shelters and the like
to have their own hand-outs on how to treat ferrets, so that way even if
the large group is letting the ball drop, at least SOMEONE is doing some
constructive educating. [...]38_2Apr200012:29:[log in to unmask] 0004 3809 22 19_vegetarian [log in to unmask], 2 Apr 2000 07:20:40 -0700555_- I am not sure if this debate even belongs on a ferret list, but since it
has been allowed to go so far....

Who ever or what ever created life, had the good sense to create a chain of
life, each step using the next as food. Predator eating prey...prey eating
grass...etc. Each has its own niche in the world and its own unique
survival needs. One cannot decide for any reason, religious, moral or
whatever, to removed an animal, in this case a ferret, from its proper
place and put it in another. To try to make an obligate [...]45_2Apr200007:20:[log in to unmask] 0004 3832 67 24_gravy report for [log in to unmask], 2 Apr 2000 22:58:01 -0600572_- Okay, I needed to brag that I finally made my first batch of Bob's Chicken
Gravy! I had put it off for so long after reading some horror stories of
bones all over the kitchen, etc. For those of you who have never made it,
I wanted to share: someone said to make friends with your butcher. I went
to Wal Mart and gave the butcher my sweetest smile. No roasters in until
holidays (Easter?), but he ordered an entire case just because I needed one
chicken. When they arrived, three different meat employees whacked away on
the following: one-half [...]39_2Apr200022:58:[log in to unmask] 0004 3900 15 29_Shocking Facts About Pet Food15_THOMAS D [log in to unmask], 2 Apr 2000 11:17:30 -0400556_- There is a book on the market called "Food Pets Die For." By Ann N. Martin
and Foreword by Dr. Michael W. Fox. Many of us feed our ferrets cat food.
There are also many households with ferrets, cats and dogs. It is
informative reading as what goes on in the multi-billion dollar pet food
market. It is unregulated. Very interesting reading. This book was
mentioned on the FML either last year or the year before. Have not seen it
mentioned since. I thought it is a good time to bring it up again with the
IAMS debate. [...]42_2Apr200011:17:[log in to unmask] 0004 3916 56 35_Shelter update & More-- Ferret [log in to unmask], 2 Apr 2000 21:29:31 -0400557_- Weasels and workers alike it was a very busy week at Ferret Wise with
veterinary appointments and pre screening appts with the kids- ( never mind
the everyday bliss of cleaning & playing!)

Our oldest gal Belle has crossed to rainbow bridge. We will miss her she
survived a full 2 years after her right adrenalectomy and left at age 7
years . In the end, she was lost to multiple tumors of the spleen, liver,
kidneys we know she is no longer in pain. She rests on Ferret hill so she
can look down on the shelter kids. Our [...]41_2Apr200021:29:[log in to unmask] 0004 3973 8 9_dollstore15_Vickey N [log in to unmask], 2 Apr 2000 11:55:45 -0600157_- http://www.homestead.com/downhomedollpatterns/dollstore~ns4.html

[Moderator's note: Yes, there are ferrets there. BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3009]40_2Apr200011:55:[log in to unmask] 0004 3982 38 91_Interesting item on eBay web site item#294
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 23:58:26 +0800
text/plain (95 lines)
BIG (and all) - I am sending this anon so I will not suffer the infamous
wrath of the AFA that surly is hitting all the fine people that have
responded against the AFA on this issue.
[Moderator's note: I take these on a case-by-case basis.  Knowing all the
people involved in this case, I'll agree to post it anon.  BIG]
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: perception of abuse
>I am so glad to see that the AFA public persecutions are coinciding with
>the Easter holiday season.
Easter is at the end of April - not March.
>For the record, AFA is not a policing organization.  AFA does not
>recommend or endorse any of the breeders, shelters or vendors at an AFA
>hosted/sanctioned shows.  It is up to the individual consumer to make up
>his or her own mind to do business with someone.
As a witness of banned breeders, shelters, and vendors at AFA shows, I
believe that the banning of those individuals would indeed be NOT
recommending them.  Allowing other breeders, shelters, and vendors at
your shows would then be consider recommending or endorsing them.
>AFA will not take action with information based solely from a single
>individual.  Just because one person does not agree with something another
>individual is doing does not necessarily make that person s actions wrong
>or in this case abusive.
Apparently several complaints from several individuals is not enough either.
>Fact #2: Of all the people at the breeder s table, the people looking at
>the ferret in question, only one person, out of all those around, saw this
>disciplinary action as abusive.  If Kathy thought the action was obviously
>flagrant disciplinary abuse, wouldn t the other people around at that time
>have considered the same and reported it?
This does not mean she was the only one to witness is - only the one with
enough guts to approach the AFA.  In the eyes of many "regular" show goers,
they know better than to speak up against the AFA clique.
>Kathy s first action should have been to speak directly to the breeder to
>discuss her viewpoint of the actions she observed
Where is this outlined in AFA's policies?  Are these policies handed out at
the doors at AFA shows?  Oh yeah - AFA is not a policing organization.  It
is not Kathy's responsibility to approach the breeder - not any person
abusing a ferret at a show.  It is the organizer of the show.  As AFA was
sanctioning the show that would be the AFA's responsibility.
> This ferret was being scruffed firmly for disciplinary actions and he was
> vocalizing as some young ferrets will do.  The ferret in question was a 3
> pound, 5 month old hob who bit some folks when they were trying to pick up
> other ferrets.  This was not ferret abuse by any means.
In all my years involved with ferrets - kits included - I have never had a
ferret vocalize from being scruffed.  The only way I can see this happening
is if the discipliner was being a little too rough.  After all, don't some
of us advise a vocal "yip" from us when trying to nip train?  In animal
language this means "Ouch that is too rough!"
Why was this biting ferret allowed to be at the show in the first place?
>I had a good laugh at the posting about these AFA people are hired for x,
>y, z.  HAH!!!  Hired?  Enslaved maybe but I have yet to see any money flow
>in this direction!  As mentioned numerous times in the past, the Board
>members and event personnel are all VOLUNTEERS!  There is no pay for all
>of their work.  They do it because they are committed to the ferret, not
>for monetary reasons.
Isn't it posted that if AFA sanctions a how they are paid?  The judges get
paid as well.  As far as the board members et al being volunteers ... so
what?  You volunteered for that.  And Vickie is in charge of all of that
anyhow.  Why is she complaining about it?
>If you wish to flame me, please do so, I don t subscribe to the FML, I
>don t have the time to read it.  And if you are bold enough to email me
>directly, my email address is [log in to unmask]
I will not send this to you directly.  I am sure it will find it's way to
you as other posts here have.  However, being the president of the AFA you
really *should* subscribe to the FML.  After all, well over 3,000 ferret
owners from all over the world subscribe - many belong from the US.  These
are AFA members and non-AFA members.
>Don t just sit there on your computer and bitch about it!
Getting on the computer and bitching about how the AFA is run is pretty
dangerous for the AFA.  But the AFA people do not have anything to worry
about.  The AFA members do not really vote for the board members.  The
existing board members do.
Anon FMLer shocked deep into my soul . . .
[Posted in FML issue 3009]