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Wed, 8 Mar 2000 01:47:46 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
Ferrets have never been non-allergenic...it's just been that it's not as
common for a person to have a reaction to them.
I'm allergic to ferrets.  It's 2nd on my top three inhalent/contact
allergies.  Thankfully I don't have life-threatening reactions, but
coupled with my disabling illnesses, it is life*quality*-threatening.
What am I doing?  My aunt who is and Ear/Nose/Throat specialist has also
taken a great interest in allergies.  I am under treatment for my other
multiple allergies using drops (under the tongue, or injectable, but under
the tongue is quite effective for me).
Ferret was not among the treatments made, but the lab made some up for
me...I sent ferret fur to my aunt, she sent it to the lab, and a few weeks
later I am starting my treatment...and am already seeing a difference.
There *are* plenty of people allergic to ferrets, but it *can* be treated.
The person I know who can help does happen to be a family member, but I
don't get anything for referring people (other than the satisfaction of
knowing that perhaps another person's suffering can be lessened.)
Anyone who would be interested in contacting or having their doctor contact
her, e-mail me privately.  I do not have permission to put her contact
information on the internet.
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[Posted in FML issue 2984]