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Mon, 28 Feb 2000 16:18:03 -0500
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Dateline: February 28, 2000;
Location: Plainfield, New Jersey;
Item: Elvis has been sighted living it up at a group home in Plainfield,
New Jersey, USA.  The good-looking gentleman has been seen dancing with
both the ladies and the gents in wild abandon.  From all indications,
everything is going well for this talented fellow.  End of Article.
As you can see, Elvis has settled in quite nicely, sleeping in a happy curl
with carious of the boys he's caging with.  During playtime, he's a blur
of bouncing ferret, pouncing and chasing and wardancing with any and all
takers.  He's still the most hyper ferret I've got, but that's okay.  Elvis
has the dubious honor of being the first and only ferret to make it up onto
the couches in the 'game room'.  At least he doesn't dig at the sheets
covering the seats.  He is definitely a handsome young man, the darkest
and warmest of my sables.
RE: Wood pellet sources.  Folks should check for listings for alternative
heating sources in their areas.  Here in North New Jersey, there is a store
called, oddly enough, 'Alternative Heating' that carries wood pellets all
year 'round.  Apparently enough ferret people go to them for them to stock
pellets throughout the year.  The price goes up in spring and summer.  My
ferret guru Yvonne turned me on to this place.  The lady there was very
nice as I came in after work to pick up 400lbs of pellets.  The current
price is $3.98 for 40lbs.  As I completely dump litter boxes twice a week,
one bag lasts about 2 weeks.  Now that I'm switching the cats, reluctantly
on their part, to the pellets, I'll go thru the bags faster.  And yes, the
odor control capabilities of wood pellets is amazing.  Even better, pellets
don't hurt as much if I happen to kneel on a wayward piece.  Clay bits have
been known to bring tears to my eyes when my arthritic knees land on them.
RE: Getting the yellow out of white fur.  I've 2 albino ferrets and 2 DEWs
and 1 panda wanna-be.  I use a whitening agent added to my all purpose
shampoo, the JB Golden Almond Concentrated Shampoo I mentioned when I asked
about shampoos people use.  JB sells the 'Color Enhancers' to go with the
shampoos.  I think most of the bigger pet product lines include a whitening
shampoo.  Check your pet stores for what's available near you, or go shop
online.  Look under dog products since most are originally meant for white
dogs like maltese and shih-tzu and samoyed.  You may never get al of the
yellow out the ferret's coat.  My big albino boy still has yellow tinges on
his cheeks that I can't seem to get out.  My panda wanna-be is hopeless
because as far as I can tell, his bib IS yellow.  Period.  I may see about
getting a second opinion on that but nothing has gotten even a little of
the color from his chest and head.  Good luck with your fuzzy friend.
RE: The whole Pat Wright Fiasco.  I would like to request that we forgo
any more posts, pro or con, in regards to Pat Wright's incarceration.  It
sounds to me like this argument is going no where and nothing can come of
this except alot of angry people on both sides.  Let's all just agree to
disagree and get on with the fight to legalize ferrets in California.
Thanks folks.  Take care everyone.  I'll see about posting a new question
for everyone this week.  The scritching question was apparently a huge
success and I've enjoyed reading all the responses.  Oh, and I've noticed
that all of mine will make yummy/lip-smacking/licking motions when
scritched.  I guess I hadn't really clicked on them doing it before.
Ta for now!
Anastasia Kidd
Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
home email: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2975]