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Tue, 15 Feb 2000 08:34:33 +0200
"TRACONSA (PTY)LTD" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello everyone, I am quite sure you guys know that I am the one from South
Africa in search of a fuzzy friend.  Well my Husband and I have just moved
into a townhouse and had a huge shortfall on our previous property, the
friggin estate agents really ripped us off - think we are stupid coz we're
still young, so I am going to have to put my little dream on hold for a
Anyway - the real reason I am writing - When I was still a child our little
ferret Lady was what you would term a freerange ferret (this is about 11yrs
When I say freerange - I really mean freerange.  My Dad used to live on a
farm with cows, chickens, pigs the works, Lady used to run around as she
pleased (Chasing away anything that got in her way LOL), always returning
home.  This was really a huge piece of land yet she knew exactly where to
find her family for a cuddle or a snack.  Often she would bring home yukky
little snacks of her own (frogs and beatles and all those gross things.  A
funny memory just popped into my head - when we jumped in the pool - You
would see this little thing flying through the air like a rocket and jump
in with you - she was so funny my little lady was.
Lady where-ever you are, I am so sorry we had to give you away - but when
ferrets became illegal at the time - we had no choice in the matter.  But
never you mind because since then and still today you live in my memory
and I still love you lots - if not more........
All my love to all your  fuzzies.
Gillian - The ferretless in S.A.
[Posted in FML issue 2960]