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Fri, 11 Feb 2000 15:49:54 -0500
"M. Brown" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
Here's my version: (You say you think I spend too much time at home alone
with my ferret? Contrair, Monfrair! HOO HOO! HEE HEE!)
1)  Falling in love with your ferret.
2)  Laughing at your ferret so hard it makes your face hurt.
3)  Bathing your ferret, wringing him out, and fluffing him with the towel.
4)  No lines at the Super Wal-Mart so that you can buy that special treat
    for your ferret and get home quickly to give it to him.
5)  A special glance at your ferret.
6)  Getting mail, wadding it up in paper balls, and throwing them at your
7)  Taking a drive on a pretty road with your ferret.
8)  Hearing your favorite song on the radio and singing to your ferret.
9)  Lying in bed and dodging ferret fangs with your feet.
10) Hot towels out of the dryer to cuddle your ferret in.
11) Finding the sweater that you want, the one with the zipper pocket to
    carry your ferret around in, on sale for half price - or better yet -
    getting it as a Christmas or birthday present!
12) Chocolate milkshake (or vanilla) to share a couple drops on your finger
    with your ferret.
13) A long distance phone call to talk about your ferret.
14) Giving your ferret a warm bubbly bath.
15) Giggling because your ferret is nuzzling you with his little cold nose.
16) A good conversation about your ferret.
17) Taking your ferret to the beach and watching him dig and burrow in the
18) Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter; now you have enough
    money to buy the rain slicker and the bomber jacket for your ferret.
19) Laughing at your ferret's antics.
20) Midnight phone calls that last for hours talking about your ferret.
21) Running through sprinklers with your ferret.
22) Laughing with your ferret for absolutely no reason at all.
23) Having someone tell you that your ferret is beautiful.
24) Laughing at an inside joke about ferrets.
25) Friends, and your favority-o friend is - who else - but your ferret!
26) Falling in love for the first time - the first time you laid eyes on
    your ferret.
27) Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about your ferret.
28) Waking up and realizing that you still have a few hours left to sleep
    with your ferret warmly snoozing beside you.
29) Your first ferret kiss.
30) Getting a new ferret to spend time with your old ferret.
40) Playing with a new ferret.
41) Letting your ferret dig a hole to China in your garden.
42) Feeling your ferret's fur.
43) Sweet dreams about your ferret.
44) Hot chocolate with your ferret asleep on your lap.
45) Road trips with your ferret, taking him to his grandmother's house.
46) Swinging on the porch swing with your ferret.
47) Watching a good movie cuddled up on the couch with your ferret.
48) Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and
    drinking eggnog while your ferret is having lots of fun taking the
    trimmings off the tree and trying to unwrap the presents and basically
    tearing the Christmas paper to shreds and stealing cookies and spilling
    the eggnog.
49) Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along while you
    dance with your ferret.
50) Going to a really good ferret show.
51) Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see your special
52) Making eye contact with your cute and lovely ferret and yelling NO as
    he begins to back up into a corner.
53) Winning a really competitive game, like Catch The Ferret when he has
    bolted through a door he wasn't allowed behind.
54) Tweaking your ferret's ears.
55) Having your friends send you homemade cookies to share with your
56) Spending time with close friends showing them pictures and home movies
    of your ferret.
57) Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends as you tell them
    all about your ferret.
58) Holding your ferret snuggled in a warm blanket and rocking him to
59) Running into an old friend and realizing that ferrets never change.
60) Discovering that love from a ferret is unconditional and stronger than
61) Realizing that having a ferret is better than riding the best roller
    coasters over and over.
62) Hugging the ferret you love.
63) Gazing upon the beauty of your ferret.
64) Watching the sunrise with your ferret.
65) Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful
   day with your ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 2957]