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Mon, 7 Feb 2000 12:01:04 EST
Mindy Holley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello, ferret fans!  i know this is my first post, but i'll try not to
embarrass myself too severely... i was just catching up on myFML from this
past week and wanted to comment on a couple of things...
First, in reference to the post about the forlorn ferret in Portland- i
certainly can empathize with that situation.  The only ferret (out of 7)
that we bought came from a popular chain pet store (Pet....)  Well, i won't
do it, but i will say they are famous for NOT putting litter boxes in with
their kits!  ("They don't use them, so why bother?")  Grrr... So, needless
to say he was difficult to litter train, and still has accidents, of
course.  But he's young, and i digress.  He was in a birdcage by himself
right next to the big holding tank with a few cute little kits sleeping or
eating or just being cute.  This ferret was obviously a leftover from a
previous litter (we guestimated about 5 months old--STILL no paperwork from
MF...grrr), and we asked the manager why he was separated from the others.
The guy said because he plays too rough and beats up on the little ones...
And boy did this fuzzy want to play!  Well, we left that day... without the
ferret.  But that night i was pretty pitiful about wanting a ferret of my
very own, and so the next day, we decided to return, and i bought(!) myself
into slavery... *grumble* i'm the one who always called them stinky rats!
As for his name... the manager said that everybody in the store called
him Psycho because he was such a spaz... and he still is.  He looks kinda
"psycho" anyway-- we have labeled him a chocolate blaze bibbed mitt, and he
has white rings around his little dark eyes that make him look all strung
out or something... *snicker* And even though he is a blaze... he's not
deaf.  :) We brought him home somewhere in the two pounds range... and as
he is approaching one year old, he is approaching 5 pounds!!!  *lol*  His
name is now Psycho Moose, because he really is.  i call him "Moose Boy."
For a good while after we brought him home, the others would gang up and
beat the fuzz outta him, even though he was bigger than they were, but now
he holds his own and starts stuff all the time *grin*  He is still a major
spaz, and he provides us with much amusement watching him scamper across
the floor (barely getting off the ground!) and crash into walls, other
ferrets, and our cats!  And btw, Psycho doesn't dook all that much, he runs
around panting like a woman in Lamaze class, and when another ferret gets
ahold of him... he SCREAMS!  It's absolutely hilarious... *grin*
Well, i feel better now that i have contributed.  i just hope it wasn't
too long-- anybody who knows me will say i have a bad habit of rambling,
but who can help it when it's about our children...
mindlgrrl  :)
[Posted in FML issue 2953]