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Tue, 1 Feb 2000 17:43:26 EST
Sharon Pease <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
My Mr. Grinch was diagnosed with this illness three and a half years ago.
Diagnosis was concluded from biopsies taken during exploratory surgery.
Mr. Grinch passed on Tuesday, Jan.  18th at 7:40pm.  He was four and a half
years old.
I've done what I could to help people who needed information on this
illness.  I'm not, by any means, an expert on the subject.  I'm just a
ferret owner who learned about it the hard way and I'm happy to share what
I've learned if it might help another owner.  But this time it's my turn
to ask for help.
I need information from anyone who's ferret had this illness and has since
passed.  It doesn't matter whether or not the gastroenteritis was believed
to be directly related to the cause of death or not.  What I'd like is;
The cause of death, if determined?  What treatment was prescribed for the
gastroenteritis?  If the ferret was ill prior to death?  If he / she was
ill, what were the symptoms, how long did they last, and the treatment
given?  Also, whether or not a necropsy (post-mortem) was performed?  If
so, what was found?
I appreciate any help you might have to offer.
[Posted in FML issue 2947]