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Fri, 21 Jan 2000 11:34:11 MST
Susan Malone <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
I am so perplexed! I hope someone on here can help...
Last night while flipping channels, I saw a ferret-like animal out of the
corner of my eye and went back... what I saw has me bewildered and confused
and of course, the commentator never mentioned the animals name after I
flipped it on!  It was on PBS between 8-9 (Central time) and I think was a
show on Africa.  The mysterious animal?  I swear I am not making this up!
It looked like a large ferret, same shape, body type, facial features
etc... except if was slightly bigger, about 3-4 feet long and about 8-10
pounds.... no, no, no, before anyone yells weasal.... It had long, thick,
silky fur which was... okay it was black and silver with a little white and
was patterned!  it had a spots and stripes combination which resembled the
markings of an ocelot or snow leopard or something.  I would have sworn it
was a big ferret except for this bizarre color pattern and the fact that it
was obviously a native wild animal in the jungle area.  Now I am not stupid
about animals, we work with an exotic wildlife sanctuary, watch the animal
nature shows religiously and are pretty darn animal smart... but this has
me stumped.  I even tried looking up weasal like critters for that
continent and came up empty.  I really would nlike to know what it was, it
certianly was a fasinating animal.  Does anyone out there have a clue??
[Posted in FML issue 2936]