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Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:43:24 -0800
Julie Fossa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
This was rejected for length, so I will post in two parts.
[Moderator's note: 2 parts combined.  BIG]
Hello All, and condolances to those whom have lost a precious little
I'm looking for any and all help anyone can offer.  I've got a sick shelter
fur child, and looking for guidance.
Solo came into the shelter in September.  We were at overflow status, so
he was immediately moved to another family that helps me out, where he
received his CDV vaccination, and excellent care.  He had been there ever
since, until about 10 days ago.
Anthony called, and let us know Solo was sick; I brought him home (along
with the 3 others).
Solo: very healthy, active sable male, about 18 months old.  Diet: Totally
Ferret / Iams Kitten, Chicken and Rice.  Vaccinated.  Negative CEP test for
ADV November 4, 1999.
Tuesday, January 4, Solo became lethargic and stopped eating.  Left eye was
watery.  Began feeding Gerber Chicken baby food.  Thursday, I brought him
back to the shelter.  Stool; normal.  No tooth grinding, or 'smacking'.
Friday, Jan.  7, he went to the vet.
Blood work, for those able to interpret :
ALKP =     11 U/L
ALT   =        -- U/L
BUN   =    17.5 mg/dl
CREA =      0.52 mg/dl
GLU   =    117.7 mg/dl
TP     = 5.11 g/dl
The vet noticed a tenderness in the 'stomach area', and took a pretty
much full body x-ray.  Suspected a possible foreign body in the stomach.
Temperature 103.  Started on Amoxi-Dorps.  Fluids given.  Decided to give
him the weekend on fluids and soft food feedings to get a little stronger
before surgery.  Input and output pretty good all weekend.  Still very
Monday I was down with a stomach virus, so I did not take him in until
Tuesday.  He has received 1000 ml of Ringers by this time.  Weight holding
steady.  Temperature 105.  Exploratory showed all organs looked good.  No
foreign body in stomach or intestines.  Biopsy of stomach and spleen taken.
The lymph node near the stomach was enlarged.  Anitbiotics changed to
Baytril.  Tuesday's dose injected, the balance of the week's was oral.
Still eating duck soup / Gerber Chicken well.  Still getting Ringers.
Seldom opens eyes, still watering a bit.  Nose slightly runny.  Pulls
himself off of blankets onto paper towels to do his business but too weak
to make it back to blankets.  No longer can lift his body up to get himself
out of 'it'.  Stool returned pretty much to a normal color/consistency
within 36 hours of surgery.  I'm cleaning him after each elimination, now.
Saturday, the lab reports come back, and the Spleen is pretty much normal,
and the stomach is too.  I don't have a copy of the lab report (I forgot
to ask for it) and Vet decided to go ahead and treat for Hellicobacter,
just 'in case'.  I took him in; his temp is 104.  Breathing is somewhat
congested and has a 'rattle' if he has been laying down for a while (I
hold him quite a bit, and it goes away.).  Breathing remains what I would
consider rapid and shallow.  Put on Biaxin/ Amoxi-drops.  Second bag of
Ringers used, and new bag brought home.
Sunday, his appetite is dropping off, and he no longer willingly eats if
you just put the food under his mouth.  He will accept it, and eat more,
if I syringe feed.  He is 'chewing' without food, now, and so I've started
him on Pepcid AC.
If Anyone has any idea what might be going on here, please help.  I
suspected Canine distemper, at first, then possibly lymphoma?  Could this
just be an influenza?  His former cagemates are all just fine.  We just
cannot seem to pull this little boy out of this.  -Tuesday it will be two
Julie and Solo
Julie Fossa
West Central Ohio Ferret Shelter
419/ 225-8383
"Just A Place To Hang Your Hammock
 While You're Looking for A Home!"
[Posted in FML issue 2932]