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Thu, 13 Jan 2000 18:38:57 -0500
"Kohrs, Kristeen [NCSUS]" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
>As for sending one back to MF: It is my understanding the stores receive a
>credit/refund without being required to return said ferret.  Noone wants
>the added hassle and expense of having to ship one back.  Again, it is
>my understanding that any "problem" ferrets are given to a vet to be
I don't know about other problems with MF ferrets but I was given credit at
the pet store where I bought my deaf DEW, Al.  I had to send a vet's note
certifying that he was deaf (i.e. does not respond to any normal sounds)
and a copy of his warranty certificate to Marshall Farms.  It was a royal
pain to actually GET the credit from the pet store but I used it for
supplies that went to a local shelter.
The whole experience gave me just one more reason why I should have gone to
a shelter..... but AL is happy and in my mind he was a rescue, saved from
being returned by someone who couldn't deal with being deaf!
Kristeen, Katie, Matt, & Al (deaf --- but not DEAD!)
[Posted in FML issue 2928]