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Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:54:10 -0600
"Erin Larson (IHG)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
Hi All. I was wondering on a couple things.
1. Does anyone know if there are any shelters/clubs/etc in Minnesota?
I'm not entirely sure that ferrets are legal here but I know more and
more people that I see in the petstores have them.
2. I'm looking for a baby female cinnamon.  I know that's selfish of me.
But I had found a couple and for SOME reason, unknown to me, the very best
one, the one i most recently was trying to get, stopped talking to me.  My
mother really wants a baby, and a girl, and a cinnamon.  We have 5 ferrets
now, 3 of which are getting up there in age, 2 are just babies still (1yr
old or less).  We have 3 boys and two girls, want to even it out a little,
and she really wants a red one.  So there you have it.  If anyone has any,
adoption, shelter, for sale from breeder, etc.  PLEASE let me know.  I've
been trying for a long time now and for some reason all the ones I find,
stop talking to me.
3. This New York issue, sickens me.  Perhaps this Rudy guy has never seen
a ferret playing, or sleeping, or licking you.  All of which are the many
joys us ferret owners enjoy.  It's so cute.  Even people we know that
don't have ferrets, they come over and watch them and think it's so very
adorable.  These are people that originally didn't like ferrets for the
original myths "They stink, they bite, they are wild and untrainable".
Thankfully the people here that buy ferrets, are taking care of them.  I
hope anyways.  I rarely see any in the petstores for very long, and I"ve
been recently going to the humane society and looking through the papers.
I haven't been able to find any in the humane, and in the papers the people
all have large cages and toys and food and are generally reluctant to give
them up.
As for vets, I doubt there are any here that are Ferret Specific, but my
vet has tried her best to gather all the information she can on them.  We
were the first of her clients to bring in a ferret, and with an unknown
problem.  We also had problems drawing blood because the oldest two were so
sick and weak that they were almost dead.  We thought for sure we would
lose them.  We never even thought of clipping a toenail.  We just tried and
tried in the leg, then the tail, then the neck.  Our last option was to go
through the chest.  We didn't do it.  We just used was tiny bit we got and
some fecal samples.  But she has since gotten many more ferret clients and
has gotten a lot more knowledge on them.  She also works closely with the
UNiversity of Minnesota here with the various animal places.
4. As for animal rights people, they hang off my building all the time.  I
am all for their protecting animal rights, but I wish they would actually
think about what they are doing when they let animals go free.  I mean,
is it so terrible to use rats (that's all we have in this area, that they
bother us for) to use to help fight cancer, rather than set them free so
they can quickly be killed or die of starvation?  I don't think there
should be needless testing and cruelty to animals, but I have YET to ever
see anyone within the animal labs here be cruel to these animals.  And the
work they are doing is worth it, in my opinion, because I will probably
need it some day.  I understand that all animals have their personality and
should have certain rights, but I don't think that domesticated animals
should be set free just because they are caged (we have some people here
that do that too).  But there are some animal rights groups that aren't so
violent and aren't jeopardizing the animals lives to make their point.
Those are the ones I respect.
Well, off my soap box.  Reason why I got ferrets?  They are just soooo
darned cute!!  Cute little button nose and beedy eyes and little ears.
And they look at you even when they are sleeping once they hear their name.
They always come running when they see you, unlike some children and family
members. ;) (none of which I have thankfully, for now)
I sure miss my fuzzybutts.  I have to leave them with my mom when I moved
out.  I miss them a lot because I am the only one that plays with them on
a regular basis and they just love to clamber all over me and stick their
noses in my ear and make it tickle.  I will be so very sad when the oldest
pass on.
Erin Larson
Sr. Office Assistant
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development
4-122 Moos Tower
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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Fax: 612-626-7031
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