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Thu, 6 Jan 2000 18:07:15 -0500
Randall Duke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi everyone,
I haven't posted in a long time so I'm going to introduce my self.  I go by
Annie , I live with in 20 miles out of Atl.  GA and My husband and I are on
the early side of 40ish.  Although, we are very young are heart.  Two big
kids to be exact .
We have 4 wonderful little ferrets, all of which have been "donated to us".
Friends know I love and care for my animals, and they know my hubby loves
me.  So, I tend to be the rescuer in the group.
I can usually negotiate w/ theHub about bringing in and saving new homeless
animals.  He tolerates me at best.
We were a 1 ferret family and very happy w/ our little one.  Didn't think
we needed any more.  Then 3 were offered at once, being terrified they
would go to a bad home.  I bartered w/ RD (The Hub) that he could have his
long awaited for direct tv, If I could take in the ferrets.  Ta Daa' it
worked !
Well, everyone is adjusting just fine.  I've had them for about 4 months
I would like to also, comment on a few post I had read before Christmas
about the high cost of ferret care.  It is true and it has just hit me.
It is not to be taken lightly.  When you have an animal that you have
totally fallen in love with and you are suddenly hit w/ a 400.00 to 600.00
bill it is a shock for most of us.  If you are going to own a ferret you
better start a ferret savings account.
My dear girl Wheezy has started loosing hair on the end of her tail.  I was
referred to a couple of vets specializing in surgeries and the prices given
went from 250.00 to 650.00 for the surgery alone.  then another 125.00 for
an ultra sound to see which adrenal was the problem or even if it is the
In addition, I understand there a study going on at the University of Tenn.
vet med.  program.  It involves hormone replacement which stops the
symptoms but not the cause.  (the tumor) ( I've been told by tech.  at
University of Ga.  school of vet med.) .  Has anyone every tried or heard
of this hormone replacement therapy ?  Another thing I would like to know
is what is the deal w/ the photos of ferrets with complete hair loss ?
Have the owners just put off getting the care/surgery needed too long.  Or
is it that the hair falls out suddenly ?  Does anyone know if ferrets are
color blind .  I apologize if this has been discussed before.  it is very
hard for me to keep up w/ all of the posts.  I also, would like to know of
any homeopathy Vets that work w/ ferrets.  Anywhere USA.
Next, I have 3 ferret cages wire that I would like to sell for 30.00 each.
If anyone is interested in my area let me know.  The Money is going toward
Wheezy care.
One more thing and I'll let ya'll go, This is so sad!  I was in Pet Smart
today buying some Nutracal and one of the clerks brought up the smallest
little hamster I have ever seen.  It was about the size of my thumb.  He
was showing it to the manager.  It was approx.  a week old or just old
enough to get its fur.  I think they were talking about sending the
shipment back.
I just can't believe that these little babies are just pulled away from
their mothers and are being shipped back and forth.  This any thing to make
a buck mentality makes me sick.  I hope that the little one lives.  I going
to send Pet Smart an email.  My heart really went out to that little one.
I hate to think of my babies being shipped to a pet store at such a young
age but, they probably were.
Well, Good-bye from the South, It's a nice 69 degrees and we are all down
here begging for snow !
Annie, Wheezier Butt , Queen Livia, Lovely Coco, and Fat Noah
[Posted in FML issue 2921]