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Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:38:45 EST
"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Happy New Year!  Well, was supposed to go to a nice party with good
friends, but when I looked at my calendar a few days ago and realized
Lady Lark was due New Year's Eve, decided to stay home.
Lady Lark has probably produced the last and first ferret kits of the new
Millennium!  At least in this time zone :)  The first kit arrived at 11:49,
second at 11:52, third at 11:56, fourth arrived on countdown 4,3,2,1 - and
completely born at shout of Happy New Year in Time's Square.  Fifth arrived
at 12:09, sixth at 12:18 and I stopped writing the time down.  She has
produced 10 kits in an hour.  I certainly hope she is finished!
This litter is pure German.  Lady Lark is the mother of Bob Church's Mickey
Moose as well as Silly and a good number of beautiful children as this is
her third litter.  Father is Baron Black Wolf a black sable German hob.
Although I generally do not post birth announcements, this one was special.
Now, not only were some of these kits born in one year and the rest in a
new year, but were also born in different centuries!  Not to mention some
in the second Millennium and some in the third Millennium!  Certainly they
should have names to mark the occasion.
I feel blessed this past year with eight litters of beautiful kits, not
counting just born and for a number of other reasons.  Although I have been
very ill, I have started on a new medication and my physicians are very
hopeful and so am I.
And no longer do I think of what I can no not do, but of what I have.  My
children are doing very well which amazes me because while in their teens I
was pretty sure they were alien life-forms.  However, both graduated from
good universities studying here and abroad.  My son just called from Mainz,
Germany, where he is celebrating the New year with his girlfriend who lives
in Frankfurt.  He has risen very fast in the world of computer technology
and is now the youngest vice president ever in an 85 year old corporation
and is also TEO.  He must travel all over the world....such a job, and in a
recent phone call told me he was calling from 30,000 feet over the
Atlantic.  I said "are you in a plane?" I was relieved to hear he was.
My daughter is an Environmental Engineer and married a Marine officer upon
graduating from college.  He has just completed the first year of flight
training at Pensacola, Fla. but much more lies ahead.  They purchased
their first house this past year and are very happy.  Brag, brag, brag,
but forgive me.  After all, I am a mother!
So, Happy New Year to all and God Bless.  Yesterday is in the past,
tomorrow is in the future and today is a gift.  That is why they call it
the present :)
Cheers, Meg
Oh, and P.S. only two of these kits are spoken for.....
[Posted in FML issue 2915]