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Tue, 28 Dec 1999 11:56:30 -0800
Mustang Charlie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Some clarification on the classification of ferrets in Nevada.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Wildlife Division,
has no interest in ferrets, Mustela furo, or putorius.  They have no
classification for them.  To simplify, The State of Nevada has found no
reasons to consider the domestic ferret injurious or harmful in any way,
to anything native to Nevada, therefore, they have no interest in them.
Each county or municipality may, at their own discretion, require licensing
or permitting of any animal, regardless of status of said animal by the
State.  Again, to simply, we have to (Well..are supposed to!) license our
dogs, cats, and any other animal the county wishes to make money on.  (Who
said that?!) Some communities refer to any animal that is not indigenous
to the State of Nevada as 'exotic', and if the State does not control the
permitting of that animal (I.E.: Mountain Lions [cougars] are indigenous,
therefore controlled by the State, Lions are not, therefore controlled by
the local community).  Unfortunately, most people asked will say that
'exotic' is equivalent to wild, vicious or dangerous, and if the community
says a ferret is exotic and must be licensed, it is then, a wild, mean,
vicious, nasty, creature. ((SADLY)).
So with that said, my apologies to Jason Creager, ferrets could well be
considered 'wild' in Las Vegas, but more than likely, they are classified
as 'exotic' therefore 'wild', etc., in the minds of unknowledgeable people.
What gripes me is that people are more WILD in Las Vegas (and Reno) than
For our ferrets
MC, The Rude One
(With Garret, Snorkle, and  Tuzigoot.  In spirit, Bubba and Billy-Bob)
[Posted in FML issue 2912]