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Mon, 27 Dec 1999 14:26:01 -0500
David Welch <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
May I introduce to you all two new fuzzies in my home.  Ash, who is a one
and a half year old Sterling Silver male and sweet as can be but for his
clawing at the carpetting problem ... well and he doesnt like using his
litterbox... but those are all remedied easily enough.
Ash is learning to play with the cat, Azrael, and pplays well with others
even drags the other little one around much to her chagrin but she gets
right up and bounds back at him.
The other little one I am speaking of is eight week old Kayla.  She needed
a pretty name because she is a startlingly beautiful ferret.  I do not know
the exact coloration but she has a light brown blaze between her eyes and
the same colored band around her foreleg area around her entire body and
her tail is also the same color.  The rest of her is a delightful golden
cream like color and her paws are all white.  She is marvelously friendly
and nipping lots right now as she loves my toes and fingers and any other
bit she can get her little baby fangs on while she teethes.  I love her to
death and am glad to say she has been a bouncing bundle of energy and has,
to Rune's reluctance after the death of Trill, befriended her...
Rune at first was very hesitant and would hiss all the time whenever Kayla
got near, which scared the poor girl half to death since she only wanted
to play and be friends... but now they are sleeping together and Kayla was
grooming Rune last night while she half dozed...
Dave and the new fuzzie family,
Azrael, the feline
Ash, the wannabe feline
Kayla, the gorgeous ferret
Rune, the last of the original group.
[Posted in FML issue 2911]