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Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:30:41 -0500
West End Animal Hospital <[log in to unmask]>
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[Moderator's note: Long intro here -- Dr. Kemmerer's note follows.  Since
Baytril is often used in ferrets I decided this was on-topic for the FML.
This nasty rumor has been circulating for a while now.  BIG]
>From: Jackie Hawley <[log in to unmask]>
>I'll see what I find on the "net" today about this to confirm but wanted
>to warn everyone in the meantime.  Hope it's NOT true!!
>>I have just gotten off the phone with a client who has one of my dogs
>>(male, SS, 4/7/91) In mid November, "Stanley" had a minor bout of gastric
>>upset, which the vet treated with the antibiotic, "Baytril" a Bayer
>>product.  Within 5 days of starting the course of Baytril, Stanley was
>>found to be suddenly and completely BLIND.  Bayer was contacted by the
>>attending Vet, who was told that Bayer was aware of a problem with the
>>Baytril in "certain small breeds" causing irreparable blindness.  They
>>instructed the owners to have the dog examined by two different Veterinary
>>Opthamalogists, who have both confirmed that Stanley is completely 100%
>>blind, his retinas both complete destroyed and no evidence of other trauma
>>or underlying illness or hereditary reason for this sudden onset of
>>blindness except the use of Baytril (no other meds of any kind, including
>>holistics are being given to this dog)
>>Bayer is paying for over $1500 worth of Veterinary care and examination on
>>this dog.  They have issued a warning to veterinarians on the link between
>>Baytril and sudden onset blindness, and apparently, they knew of this
>>problem for nearly a year.  The veterinarian treating Stanley regularly has
>>found all kinds of reference to Baytril and blindness on the internet, and
>>at the recent Veterinary Opthamology conference held in Chicago last month,
>>thetopic of Baytril and blindness was a major discussion.  One of the Vet
>>Opthamalogists who examined Stanley had been at this conference, and was
>>very interested in having a living example of this appear in his office
>>they dayafter he returned from the conference.
>>Bayer is supposed to be issuing veterinary notice regarding the
>>possibilityof blindness in dogs treated with Baytril.  They recommend
>>halving the usual dosage will reduce the risk.  Since Baytril is a common
>>antibiotic used by many breeders (and often in our medicine cabinets for
>>our dogs) I feel it is very important to warn breeders of this risk, real
>>or not.  It's not worth taking the risk of using Baytril if there is any
>>chance of causing your dog to be blind.  There are other choices in
>>antibiotics besides Baytril.  I had about 12 Baytril in my first aid kit,
>>and they have been flushed down the toilet today!
>Cherri Thomson
>>Blackloch Standard Smooth Dachshunds
>>Surrey, B.C. Canada
Regarding the tale of the dog who was supposedly blinded by Baytril: I must
thank Jackie Hawley for forwarding this to me to investigate.  She did what
someone should have done several times already.
I barely know where to begin here. This ENTIRE SCENARIO IS FALSE.
The only truth here is that a middle-aged Dachshund did go blind.  He
also had previous symptoms of disease (head-pressing) and WAS ON other
medications previously.  He was diagnosed by a veterinary ophthalmologist
with Acute Retinal Degeneration of unknown cause
The BREEDER diagnosed this as being due to Baytril.  I spoke to Dr. Allen
at Bayer and she told me in no uncertain terms that:
1) There was no veterinarian who diagnosed this as being related to Baytril
2) Bayer IS NOT paying for treatment
3) They did NOT know of any previous problems with blindness from Baytril
   because there have not been any
4) Bayer is NOT with holding information from the veterinary community.
   There is no evidence at all linking Baytril to blindness in anyone.
   Bayer would be the first to issue warnings to the veterinary community
   if there were any evidence at all to support this.
This kind of thing is typical of what happens when one person is allowed to
make unfounded accusations that people then pass on without checking facts.
In my opinion, this breeder is guilty of libel and may be subject to legal
action.  This has done damage, perhaps irreparable damage, to Bayer's
Bayer has been a good friend to pets everywhere and a good and honest ally
of the veterinary profession.  This company does not deserve to be the
subject of such rash disregard for the facts.  (And no, I'm not affiliated
with nor do I own stock in Bayer).
This is the same thing as the whole Febreze flap.  One guy's dog died
sometime after he used Febreze, so he got on the Internet and told the
world Febreze killed his dog.  Folks, you have to stop and ask these people
for facts before passing on information like this.
Any antibiotic or any medication carries certain risks.  If we stopped
using all meds that had any risk of side effects, we would probably all
have been dead of disease by now.
Yes, I guess I got on my soapbox here.  If you think I'm overdoing it, just
try to imagine what it would be like if someone published stuff like this
about YOU on the internet.  Damage control is nearly impossible.
Deborah Kemmerer DVM
[Posted in FML issue 2900]