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Fri, 10 Dec 1999 08:54:37 -0500
feretrus <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Cj you did not fail, you did what any of us that run shelters do, and
beyond. You did what you could for neglected ferret(s)-its a shame you
didn't get the call sooner, and you made sure people knew of this abuse. You
and I  and all the shelters know that it isn't just the rich and famous that
treat their animals so cruelly. We see mistreatment and neglect all the time
, that's why we are shelters. So our thanks CJ for a job well done !
As far as introductions, my name is Denise and my husband and I run a
shelter Furry O's Ferrets in Harleysville, PA. We fell in love with the
little critters when my son Davin baby-sat 2 for a friend for a few weeks.
We started with one,(don't we all) then met Chris and Cheryle who at the
time were running a shelter. Started attending shows, making friendships
with wonderful people, and of course added onto our family, fuzzie that is.
I think we started as most shelters started, people find out you have
ferrets and they call. That was 4 years ago. We have been running a 24/7
full fledged shelter/rescue since then. You know you are a shelter when you
not only have the home phone number of your vet, but you know where she
lives because of frequent emergency visits.
My hubby Mike has recently become an official AFA judge,and if you are
planning on coming to the S.J. show tomorrow he will be judging alters, stop
by and say hi, but I must warn you he won't take bribes.(But I
will,hehehehe). We will also have a table at the show and I'd love to meet
some of the faces behind the FML. Also we will be having a raffle for a very
special T-shirt you don't want to miss.
At the present, meaning today, we care for and love to death over 50
sweethearts. More than half are either too old or in need of medical tlc, so
they stay with us. We do have several very nice 1-2 year olds available for
adoption, however as a policy we do not adopt out at shows(we bring
pictures) and we welcome visits to the shelter thereby allowing more time ,
less distractions, and wiser decisions regarding ferret ownership to be
made. These little guys have already been abandoned once we do our best so
it doesn't happen again.
Furry O's Ferrets
visit our web-site at: http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/3021
[Posted in FML issue 2894]