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Tue, 30 Nov 1999 14:53:50 -0600
text/plain (22 lines)
My name is charlotte, though i often go by charlie.  I have three ferrets,
Wikket, a sable male MF I got in march in a rescue situation -- I had never
even held a ferret before -- he was about 1 year at the time.  George, a
sable male of unknown beginnings, about four years old.  He came to us
about a month ago with Gracie (formerly Trashy), a tiny, tiny albino girl
of about the same age.  They were rescues also and doing very well now.  I
had never heard Wikket dook until the first time I let them play together.
I found out about the list while trying to learn how to properly care for
Wikket.  Boy, have we both come a long way since!  Thanks to all those who
have helped.
Flames -- let's move on please.
Finally, I swear I think they're all telepathic.  As soon as I start
reading the list they start scaling bookcases, digging in my makeup,
crawling inside my box springs, knocking things over.  And of course if I
get up for just a second I *have* to play with them.  Oh, to be the slave
of three furry slinkies!
[Posted in FML issue 2882]