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Thu, 11 Nov 1999 12:12:42 EST
Connie Martin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Yes, Butch is still coughing.  We have now been to three vets for a total
of 5 visits, tried three antibiotics, and we still cough.  The good news is
that this last vet referred me to a ferret specialist.  As he watched me
talk and play with Butch and Maggie, (I brought her along for moral support
for Butch) he commented on how much I loved them and cared about them.  I
guess he could see that price wasn't an issue here so he referred me to a
specialist.  It could be allergies, it could be anything.  There has been a
discussion of doing a tracheal wash to obtain a sample of what might be
down there.  Anyone have any experience with this?  I know they put they
under and being a new parent I'm really nervous about all this.  I would
take time off from work to stay with him while he recuperates.  I would
like to be prepared in advance so I can help him prepare for the best
recovery possible.
Yes, I am jumping the gun here but I know everyone here understands.  If
any of you can give me any feedback I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all the support!
Connie, Butch, (oh no, I thought the thermometer was bad enough, now just?)
and Maggie (I'm not coughing, no sir, no coughing for me)
[Posted in FML issue 2863]