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Fri, 5 Nov 1999 23:43:13 EST
Tracy Kilmer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
I have decided to break the bank and get new Quarantine cages for our Quar.
room.  These will be used to isolate-quaratine any new ferrets thought to
be ill with something contagious for all of the NW if needed.  They are
stainless steel vet.  cages this way there is no chance of anything getting
spread.  I am going to start a sponsor a ferret cage for those who would
like to do good but just cant handle anymore ferrets but want to help!
This decision was made after distemper and a lot of ECE this last few
months.  Also after we have gotten two ferrets who have been starved almost
to death in just the last week from different homes.  When they are in that
condition it is very easy for them to get ill and that is the last thing we
need to happen to poor fuzzies like that.  I have done some super sweet
talking to the cage comp.  and am going to be able to get either 5 hooked
together 18"w x 22"d x 20"h cages for $250 with shipping or/and 4 hooked
together 22"w x 26d x 32"h for $275.  These cages will be in a quar room
with separate venting from the rest of the house along with an air
purifier.  New vinyl flooring has just been bought and will be laid in the
room soon to.  This is to make this room as sterile as possible.  This room
will be available to any shelter, pet store, breeder, or person in need of
it for there sick fuzzies to cut down on ferrets spreading ECE and ect...
To sponsor a cage- which includes purchasing them, new glass water bottles
(used for sanitary reasons), and stainless food dishes, cleaning supplies
and meds for the sick fuzzies who stay in them.
$25 newsletter and picture of the ferret who your money may just have saved.
$50 same as above but also a framed certificate w/ picture of your 2 fuzzies
    you have saved.
$100 all of the above along with brass plate with your sponsoring info.
     (name, in memory of ect..) attracted to the cage for all to see + a
     pic of your cage and every ferret that stays in it for 1 yr.
 ...(Sorry had to run and now I am back. And why? A lady just brought her
ferret to me and asked if she could turn it in.  I asked why?  Her reason
it has ECE and she cant afford to treat it any longer.  I said OK how about
I treat it and then you can have her back.  Her response "no she just keeps
getting sick and I don't have time for it!")
Well, tell me what you think of my Idea!  And If you would like to help /
sponsor contact me I am going to try to start this new improved quar room
This coming up week.  A copy of the Receipts will be sent as soon as the
purchase of the stuff is finished to all who donate so you know right where
your money went.  Take care and bless all the fuzzies
Tracy Kilmer
Ferret Rescue Of Spokane
PS this idea was presented to me by our local Humane Society
[Posted in FML issue 2857]