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Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:11:55 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Just three days after having so much blood drawn 7 year old Meeteetse is
back to being whiz bang crash prong laugh beg normal.  She's always been
hyper so why should the years slow her very much?  (That's not my attitude
as much as her's which indicates how much I need to learn from her.) When
we bother to pay attention they can teach us so much about not being wimps,
and at looking at the half-full part of the glass -- or even at that neat
spill it then makes into a fun puddle.
Devote a lot of time to it - an hour for a meal if you have to.  Give it
off finger or in spoon.  Add favorite flavors.  Add some liquid with extra
nutrition such as Berry Ensure or Vanilla Sustical.  Sing to the ferret.
Bring in another ferret to steal some of the food and create a possessive
feeling.  Try some foods which are very dense in nutrients like A/D which
you can buy from a vet.  When you feel like crying remember that everyone
here is thinking about you and your little one so you aren't alone.
We usually get our Cheweasels from the Ferret Store 1-888-8FERRET, but
also sometimes from other ferret catalogs or the maker.  Look at
http://www.artnet.net/~hyperfur ([log in to unmask]).
I remember when these were first being developed by FML people!!  They are
made of safely digested items which clean the teeth (VERY WELL), ease
teething pain, and provide a distraction.  The only downside is that if you
have one who likes them too much that individual can get temporary gas and
runs if too much is eaten at once -- no biggie.  They are based around
animal gelatin which has been compressed into a very dense form.  My
grandma once brought back England some INCREDIBLY flavorful dense gelatin
cubes which she said people boiled and diluted to make gelatin there, but
which she got us to slice very thin and eat as marvelous candy.  These are
sort of the ferret versions of that, but meat flavored.  It took all but
Jumpstart a while to be interested, but now they are a favorite
Liz wrote:
>(the pet store told me that they cannot order it b/c TF has a *deal*
>with Petco.and other bigger stores, and will not send to the little
>stores.  Is this true?
Know of two small, non-chain stores locally with it on their shelves.
Don't know if this purchase ability has changed just recently.
[Posted in FML issue 2854]