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Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:46:30 -0700
DRhoads2 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I have a sable blaze, who is also deaf.  He is the most aggressive and
playful kit we have had of the 6 we have raised.  He seems as healthy as
a horse and eats like an elephant.  I am not sure if his aggressiveness
results from the others harrassing him when he was little especially by the
bully or just his nature.  I seen him take on 3 of the older and bigger
males that were harrassing him and drive them off.  He seems to have as
much energy if not more than any of the others when they were his age.
He does sleep kinda soundly and long sometimes but that I think might be
contributed to his deafness, not tiredness.  There is one thing though, he
seems to have a cough, he seems to do it when he is excited the most.  It
is not steady and predictable but seems to be random and he doesn't do it
all the time just sometimes.  We have had the vet check him and he seems to
be healthy, heart sounds good, lungs etc.  The vet said not to worry, but
the others haven't done this.
He does have one habit that might decrease his life expectancy though.
If he doesn't stop climbing up on the water bed and chewing holes in the
mattress, my wife said she is going to wring his little neck, but I don't
think that is medical.  (Just kidding about the neck wringing folks).
Love and best wishes to all the fuzzies out there.
The Terror Ten
[Posted in FML issue 2840]