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Thu, 14 Oct 1999 00:17:37 -0700
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Hi to all!
Liane had written to update you all on what the WSFA has done with Petco in
Bellevue, WA.
After several conversations with the District Manager, there could be some
hope for the ferrets.  If you had all seen how young these ferrets from
Triple F Farms were, I am sure you would have been very upset.  Instead of
jumping up and down, I simply spoke with the person in charge and then
followed up with the Manager of that store.  He listened to my advice on
what to feed, proliferated bowel (they all had it) etc...
As a result, Liane went into the store the next day and obtained the
ferrets for temporary fostering until they can go back in the store for
Liane and I will also be attending the employee meeting to educate those
new employees who do not have ferret techniques/knowledge.  I really want
all of you to know that YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
If you see something wrong with how a store cares for animals, don't be
rude, simply contact someone who has authority to make decisions, such as
the Manager or the District Manager.  I would love to see more local
breeders and shelters providing ferrets to people, referred by stores, than
to see the stores continue to get shipments of babies that are way too
young.  How would the stores still profit from this?  Several ways.  We
would drive traffic into the store for supplies (coupons could even be
distributed to our members, etc...), and we could work out a "referral fee"
that they would get upon the sale of the ferrets.  This would be good for
the store because they would have no overhead invested (labor, food,
etc...) we would do all the work.  Please do not ask me how we knew these
kits were too young, we know and also saw the birth certificates.  This was
not Petco's fault and they are really caring and trying to make it better
for these animals.  I am really trying to use my marketing and advertising
background to aid these wonderful animals any way I can.
I have seen many posts on this list bashing pet stores.  Instead of bashing
the pet stores, get off you arse and contact someone who can make some
changes.  This could even be at the corporate level.  YOU CAN MAKE A
My .02 cents.
Danielle Frye, Rastaferretin, Dopey, Cleo and Marley plus my darling foster
child, Fancy
Acting PR Director/Education Coordinator
Washington State Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2837]