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Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:59:00 -0400
HL Russell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (15 lines)
To hotdish I can only say: Excellent advice.  I know that she and I have
butted heads before but the message of interviewing a potential vet and
knowing what to expect before something actually happens is great advice
and we should all do it.
I would add one thing to that advice though.  Find a good vet that you and
your animals trust but also find a vet for those emergencies when the
regular one is not available for whatever reason.  I know that one of our
fuzzies recently gave us a scare and our vet was not available.  We had to
go to one of the 24 hour vets.  Now that was a nightmare.  Our little girl
ended up being all right but it was no thanks to the vet that we took her.
We have a good and trusted regular vet but we still need to find an
emergency or backup vet.
[Posted in FML issue 2833]