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Fri, 8 Oct 1999 20:49:25 -0400
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>From:    Benjamin Otten <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Adrenal Disease and luperon
>Luperon is a very good option for adrenal disease in ferrets It is the
>best medical treatment we have available.  True it does not provide a
>cure to the disease.
I agree that Luperon is a "good" option for Adrenal Disease but as you
said, it does not provide a cure to the disease.  Luperon, like most drugs
are essentially blocking agents so it will not address any underlining
condition that caused the illness in ferrets and it also has side effects.
I, on the other hand HAVE addressed the underlining condition that cause(s)
the illness in ferrets.
>in a recent study) ferrets who have surgery develop a tumor on the
>opposite side with in 13 months.  Often the 2nd tumors are hard to remove
>because the stick to blood vessles.  Still I think a surgery is a very
>viable option initally if the ferret is stable and the money is a
One of my ferrets grew a second tumor on the other side next to the vena
cava after having the first tumor removed.  Rather then risk her life on
expensive surgery, I decided to find a better, safer way.  The nutritional
protocol I devised totally reversed the disease in ALL of my ferrets
WITHOUT one single side effect.  I have addressed the underlining estrogen
factor in ferrets that caused the tumor in the first place without blocking
the estrogen receptors unnaturally as Luperon and other drugs do, by
administering totally innocuous nutritional factors.  Why risk the life of
your babies when there are other ways to do the same thing as drugs (and
better) .  Since I am on the subject I will ask for the opinion of ALL
ferret owners regarding a dilemma i'm experiencing.
As I have stated on my previous letters, I am in the process of writing a
article for the vet journals in order to publish my findings and great
results.  I am also writing my theories down by employing the "Scientific
Method" as requested by Marshall Farms in order to obtain funding for a
study (Marshall Farms top vet has told me that I have something with my
findings but that they need to present them to their board in the proper
format).  Pet vitamin manufacturers have also expressed interest since my
findings may be applicable to cats and dogs.
The problem is that i'm not a vet and I have never written a paper to any
journal, mush less write a scientific paper.  Since I will not allow any
unscrupulous person to make money from my protocol and not return funds to
the ferret community shelters around the country (I own six ferrets so i'm
aware of the cost of maintaining them.) I guess its up to me to make a
product.  So these are my options:
1.) Wait till i get funding to make a study which may take months, and
    meanwhile not help the people who write me all the time.
2.) Wait till I get a contract with a vitamin manufacturer to make a
    product which will take allot of months but in the end I assume It
    will be a high quality product with most of the profit going to the
    manufacturer leaving not much to donate to the ferret shelters.
3.) Make the product my self which means:
    a.) Ferrets can start to get help right away.
    b.) Donate 10% off the top to ferret shelters( more later) I will be
        glad to put that in writing to the shelter(s) that are in need and
        also give full financial disclosure every year (any lawyer ferret
        owners out there?  :] )
    c.) Register with the Better Business Bureau and any thing else I
        have to do to assure fellow ferret owners that I am legitimate
        (any advice will be appreciated).
I also have a protocol for Cardiomyopathy, and Diabetes I would like to
start a study on using safe nutrients found in foods just like the adrenal
We as ferret owners are all in this together which is why I need everyone's
opinion.  If the consensus is that I wait till everything is done with the
paper and the study, I will do so.  All I ask is to not vilify me when I
can't give the protocol away.
I will be glad to speak to ANY and ALL the veterinarian out there that need
more technical information regarding my findings and theories.  I prefer to
speak on the phone rather then write cause i'm busy and i'm not much into
corresponding.  Just e-mail me and i'll be glad to give my number.  Just
reveal all of our conversation(s) to the FML please so that everyone can
know what's going on.
I will accept ANY and ALL challenges from any veterinarian or scientist
that wants me to replicate my findings at their expense (all they have to
do is verify any ferret they use as having Adrenal Disease and help with
the cost of the raw materials which is low for one or two ferrets but high
for a lot of ferrets :[ )
Any ferret owner that resides in new york and needs help I will be glad to
talk and help them regarding ferret illnesses since your not far away.
Remember that i'm there for you.
[Posted in FML issue 2829]