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Mon, 27 Sep 1999 07:54:58 -0600
"DeRose, Pat" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Hello Fuzzies & Fuzzie Lovers,
I wrote a poem in honor of my sweet Sparky.  In the last few weeks, a few
small children met Sparky for the first time &, although I was a bit unsure
of her reaction, she was always nice.
here it is:
To My Sparky
my sweet, soft, fuzzy baby,
you always make me smile,
'specially when the day is tough,
you go the extra mile.
asleep in your hammock,
curled like a cinnamon bun,
an angel is dreaming,
of raisins and fun.
out from your cozy spot,
your little mask peeks through,
with your deep brown eyes & little pink nose,
i fall in love with you.
your tiny ears, so pink, so round,
your fur so soft, i must admit,
others may cringe, but i really do
love the smell of it!
your ferret kisses
always will i treasure,
along with hours and hours,
of laughter & pleasure.
you let me know you want to play,
your eyes light up at the chance,
to sniff & dook & roll & surf,
to hide & seek & jump & dance.
i ask God to take care of you,
forever with me, i want you to stay,
so happy & healthy, so cute & so free,
but some day i know you must go away.
that day is far off, i can only hope,
but in my heart you'll ever be,
by the Rainbow Bridge again we'll meet,
i'll never forget you, my sweet Sparky.
My prayers for all the sick babies & their parents.
God Bless,
Pat (& Sparky too)
[Posted in FML issue 2818]