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Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:24:21 -0500
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Tenaha breeder: She must have gone down hill since we bought Halo.  I don't
recall if she used a treat before handling the ferrets, nor do I remember
if it was air conditioned.  Yes the cages/ferrets were in a converted
garage, I remember fans being in there and it (heat and stench) wasn't too
bad for late august.  We did meet Halo's parents who looked fine as did the
other ferrets we saw there (we stayed several hours talking and looking at
all the ferrets).  I doubt if at the time there were injured or ill ferrets
there because I would have made a fuss if there were.  Halo was a perfect
example of a demi gigas and we had no problems with him.  I'm not saying
she's still a good breeder because I don't know, it's been just over 3
years.  I agree that if her practices have changed that she should not be
used as a source for kits and had I know this I would not have recommended
Rodents: I was visiting zdnet
[ http://www.zdnet.com/swlib/lpad/ferrets.html ]
last night and downloaded FerretSoft's Ferret Power Pak which is a package
of several search tools, when I scrolled down to read the poll for the page
there it was.  Said poll asked which RODENT was the visitor's favorite.
Of course FERRET was one of the choices.  UGH!  I immediately shot off a
letter to the editor and posted a talkback topic correcting this mistake.
He emailed me back thanking me for pointing out the error but alas the page
hasn't been changed yet.  I even gave a list of other critters related to
the ferret so they could change the poll.  I'll give 'em till saturday
night before boppin' 'em on the head.
Tubes: In regards to a post from a couple of days ago concerning ferrets
moving the tubes around by carrying the ends in their mouths, yes my guys
do that too.  I bought 2 new dressers and had piled all the toys in a
corner and forgot to pull them out for the kids.  I took a ferret nap and
when I awoke the toys were evenly distributed throughout the room.
Stench: EEWWW!  How many ferret butts does it take to get to the apex of
stinky litter boxes?  FIVE!!!  I never thought adding one more ferret would
push the litter box smell over the edge but it has happened.  When there
were four I could miss the scheduled scooping time as far as one day if I
was really sick, tired etc. but not no more!  It has to be done by 6 pm
or we all suffer.  On the good side the place I dump the poop has really
lovely flowers. ;-)
Dooks to all!
Laura and the Freaky Five
[Posted in FML issue 2801]