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Thu, 2 Sep 1999 14:07:34 GMT
Stephanie Daniels <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Hi, I was wondering if it is true that ferrets tend to "calm" with age.
Now, I am not expecting cuddly lap sitting behavior...especially from two
ferrets who like to bounce off the walls.  But say you have ferrets as kits
and they have a lot of energy..etc.  Do they reach an adult behavior where
petting is accepted, or else they MIGHT sleep in your arms for 5 inutes?
I don't expect much...
I have started to notice that both of my ferrets know who I am.  Chimi is
almost 1 year, and Pepe is 9 months.  They will come to me when I enter
the room, and if I sit on the floor, they come over and greet me.  When
strangers come, they are apprehensive- they hide under the bed, or wait a
while to come investigate.  Has anyone seen this phenomenon??  For a while
there, I thought it would be a one way love affair...but for the last
couple of months, the reward has been great.  They don't even hesitate to
think I might be trying to put them in their bed!
Thanks for any thoughts,
Stephanie, Chimi (I love my mommy, love love love) & Pepe (Mommy, get a
kiss! love loves)
[Posted in FML issue 2793]