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Sat, 21 Aug 1999 12:28:08 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Excerpts from NY Times with connecting text which I provided:
"On-Air Mayor Gives New York an Earful ... [actual] ... excerpts from Mayor
Rudolph W. Giuliani's weekly radio program, "Live From City Hall," on
WABC-AM (770)... July 23, [ in reply to a caller who adores ferrets]:
"You need somebody to help you.  I know you feel insulted by that, but I
am being honest with you.  This excessive concern with little weasels is
a sickness.  I'm sorry, that's my opinion.  You should go consult a
psychologist or a psychiatrist with this excessive concern -- how you are
devoting your life to weasels.  There are people in this city and in this
world that need a lot of help.  Something has gone wrong with you."  [This
was followed by a tax cut quote referring to some people as "slobbering"
and including his own comment that at his age he can't change, why he wants
a stadium in Brooklyn (also with nasty comments such as "Call him and tell
him to get his head examined."), a bit on housing the homeless including
"There are several subterranean plots that are going on here ... you've got
some advocates that don't want to solve the homeless problem.  Because now
they wouldn't be advocates anymore."  (Naw, they'd be successes and isn't
that a terrible thing to be?), etc.]
[From the related article by Abby Goodnough comes:]  "If there's
anything callers to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's weekly radio program
should know before dialing, it's this: Be careful what you ask.
[IN response to a caller upset about the shooting of Diallo:] "Either you
don't read the newspapers carefully enough or you're so prejudiced and
biased that you block out the truth."  [To another caller:] "Isn't there
something more important that you want to ask me?"
And when David in Oceanside called last month to complain about the ban
on pet ferrets, the Mayor of New York City leaned into his microphone and
intoned, "There is something deranged about you."
A three-minute diatribe against the ferret advocate ensued...
"He has made the radio show into an opportunity to give morality lessons
and ideological sermonettes," said Mitchell Moss, who directs the Taub
Urban Research Center at New York University...
[*****] With 75,000 listeners per program, "Live From City Hall" ... can be
heard as far away as Albany ... [and] is the city's second-most-popular AM
radio show in its time slot, said Phil Boyce, the program director at
WABC.[*****] ...
I left in some of the other things (Bill, you may remove if you think
appropriate.) to give a feel for this ferret foe and his tone in case that
helps others here who are working to try to improve things in NY or to
protect other areas which he might harm have a stronger grasp on which
possible directions might be most effective.  As you can see, rather than
admit when he's goofed or been given poor info he tends to become very
defensive and to attack over and over, so any references to him working
from incomplete data have to take that into account and be cushioned.  Sad,
and certainly not what I'd want in someone in representing me, but sure
seems to be the norm for him so far.  Hasn't anyone ever told him that
people CAN continue to grow through life IF they choose to do so?
Hey, UPSTATE and LONG ISLAND, and TRI-STATE, what is this obviously
uninformed (certainly about ferrets and his info there is KNOWN to be so
horrid that one has to wonder all the more about other issues), but "not
about to change" individual doing to damage your position?  If he gets in
the Senate what will someone with such nastiness try to do the country?  Do
you folks realize that he said years ago that he'd love to be president?
Funny that he proclaims himself to be supposedly be devoted to his dog but
can't understand others' love of another species.  Question: is his
devotion to the dog false or is he just that narrow-minded and uninformed?
Okay, I'm angry with him.  He's a very smart individual, but when he gets
on one course he puts on blinders and can't see reality because he doesn't
LET himself see it.  Since it doesn't have to be like this if he could only
tackle that tendency and look at facts, even admitting when he goofs if he
can progress that far, I get frustrated.  It's a waste of a brain and it's
self-imposed, plus, it's hurting marvelous companions completely
[Posted in FML issue 2780]