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Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 23:13:08 EST
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi to all,
I just want to start by apologizing for all my typos and grammar goofs on
my posts from yesterday.  I was very tired and I really don't type that
well to begin with.
Thank you to everyone that responded to my post about the Tyson ferrets, I
will try to address each one personally, but right now i just don't have
the time.  I am sorry for that.
The local paper is running an article about the ferrets tomorrow, they came
here and did an interview today.  they have a website that you may be able
to access the article by going to lvrj.com.
as far as giving out Tyson's addy, i was told that I could get into big
legal trouble for that right now.  but the newspaper article might have it
in there.  i will try to find an e mail or website for him this weekend.
We need to keep up on this, my friend, and copartner that works at a club
in town said that Tyson and his personal assistant was in the club and
gave out around $1500 dollars to the girls there.
I'm glad to see he is dealing with the loss of his pets so well.
I'm sorry if I sound so bitter, but i got in 5 ferrets on Sunday, and 4 of
them need adrenal surgery, and just before I wrote this I got a call that 2
ferrets were left in the middle of Petsmart and if I didn't get them asap,
they would go to animal control, per the store manager.  so my friend Ivy
went immediately to get them.  They look around 4 months old, and look
healthy!  Yeah ha.
Well getting tired, so I'll keep you all posted again tomorrow, or Saturday
by the latest.  Anyone in the L.V.  area that wants to post on my behalf
after seeing the article tomorrow, please feel free!
Thanks again, and lets show our strength as a ferret community.
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
5383 Via De Palma Dr.
Las Vegas, Nv. 89102
[Posted in FML issue 2886]