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Fri, 28 Jan 2000 21:07:04 +1300
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Anne Ryan posted:
>American Ferret Association and League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts
>Announce Joint Campaign <snip>
I have been hearing rumours for the past several months from people in the
US about people blaming New Zealand ferrets for the 'outbreak' of ADV over
there.  The only "proof" given to me so far has been spurious (two rescue
ferrets *presumed* to be from New Zealand, although there was no known
history, and ferrets which came from one particular breeder which have
tested negative, and strangely enough tested positive after ADV positive
ferrets were unfortunately brought into their home) I have also been told
of people saying that *I* personally have been deliberately spreading ADV
by exporting my ferrets to the US from New Zealand.  What a load of bull.
Who better than *I* would know what conditions my ferrets may or may not
Even though I found a lot of holes in the argument by the rumour- mongerers
who were spreading such erroneous information, I decided to do some
research on just *what* the situation on Aleutians in New Zealand was.
What I found, especially considering information found in some very highly
regarded veterinary texts on ferrets, surprised me.
It took some months of chasing up the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
(MAF) here in New Zealand.  MAF are the people who are the ones who keep an
eye on the diseases within the country, making sure no new ones come in, or
current ones go out.  They're the ones the vets talk to when asking for
information, and the ones vets get tests for diseases from, and also the
people who are given the results to *every* test.  At first, getting
information was like dragging blood from a stone.  Finding someone in
charge willing to talk to me was nigh on impossible.  However, I *finally*
got given information from a MAF vet who I'd been asking questions of, and
who had done some studying himself.
According to his research (remember he works as a part of the business who
are given ALL test results on ALL diseases) there is not now, nor has there
EVER been Aleutians within New Zealand.  In fact, the health certificate
which my kits are sent off to the US with specifically states that in no
uncertain terms, and this is dated only a matter of a few years ago.  So,
regardless of who the rumour monger is (and I do know of a small number of
them) the plain fact is that New Zealand ferrets do not have Aleutians.  It
is always possible for any ferret who originated from *ANY* area to
contract this virus after their arrival in the US.
However, whether they're German, Australian, British, New Zealand,
American, Canadian, Swedish or I don't care what - it doesn't matter.  If
people are truly interested in finding out the TRUE scope of Aleutians,
maybe they should stop blaming innocent people, and start testing their own
animals, and arranging for others to start testing theirs.  If my animals
had ANY chance of getting or spreading anything to other animals I sure as
heck wouldn't be breeding, let alone shipping my ferrets (who are,
interestingly enough, testing negative for Aleutians) anywhere that they
may cause health problems to other ferrets.
Most people wouldn't believe the politics in the ferret world, especially
in the US.  I hear rumours, and when I check up on them, almost ALL are
proven unfounded.  I have been told by one person that another is terrible,
and from the other person that the first is terrible, and find no fault in
either, except that there is evidently bad blood in both.  I see different
people looking like they're trying to help ferrets, then turning around and
threatening to turn in owners of ferrets in California because of imagined
slights.  I can't believe any of it!  Now, the current rumour-mill seems to
be running around Aleutians and New Zealanders are catching the heat, and
being ostracised without having been given a trial.
Maybe if someone starts spouting off about another person "spreading
Aleutians" they should first be asked as to whether their own animals have
been tested and all proven negative before people should start listening.
I find it interesting that the people who have spread the word about New
Zealand ferrets the *loudest* are breeders who do not have New Zealand
ferrets in their bloodlines, and who stand to gain by widespread panic
against New Zealand ferrets.
Yes, Aleutians needs to be looked at, but before blaming innocent people,
maybe people should just start looking at their own animals FIRST without
blaming anyone, and just trying to ascertain exactly WHAT the scope of the
problem is.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change
the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
If everyone got together ferrets would be treated fairly.
[Posted in FML issue 2943]