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Mon, 24 Jan 2000 16:14:39 -0500
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To Heather at [log in to unmask]@go.com:
You wrote "I tryed to e-mail the lady with him sevral times with no luck"
I didn't know if you meant ... you did e-mail me and I did not respond OR
you could not e-mail me.  Either way, I did *not* receive an e-mail from
you or I would have replied.  I have replied to everyone that expressed an
interest in the baby boy blaze and that list would included the following
(using only part of their e-mail address): jcodding, fuzzies, erin,
ambrosia, elarson, ferretwise, inmiami, johntod, mspoohbear, nicatzoocrew,
phlashygr12000, robshep, alldunn1, dsmith16, ferret, pat, chaplir.
To Anonymous Poster:
If you responded to the add with no answer ... why didn't you think to
respond again personally instead of going to the FML.  If you responded to
the add and I received it, then you would have gotten a response from me.
I don't know if this happened because you posted anonymously and I don't
know who you are, but you do.  If you are not in the list above then I did
*not* receive your e-mail.  I thought initally that problem was that I got
responses over the weekend that I have not read yet (because I'm not at
work over the weekend), but this wasn't the case.  In the future I will
sign with my home e-mail address ([log in to unmask]) just so that I
can be reached at all times.  This baby boy blaze (Tito) is presently in
a good loving home, mine.  Just because I was trying to find a home for
him doesn't mean that my home isn't loving.  Before I bought Tito I was
shopping and I bought myself a winter coat.  When I saw Tito in that
horrible pet store I bought him and took my winter coat back (I think this
let me feel less guilty about what my husband was going to think about
another ferret ... it only took him about ten minutes to fall in love with
him.  Once that happened I considered going back to get the coat, but
didn't).  Since he cost more then the winter coat and it was my birthday my
mom offered to pay for part of him.  I think that shows where my loyalties
lye.  I love him to death, so much that I thought he might be better off in
a home that only has one group of ferrets that he could fit into and
therefore be out and about all the time.  Right now I have two groups with
a "detachment" in each group.  In group one: Nala, Meeko, Abu, Quasimodo,
Pongo, Pooh Bear, Minnie and Daisy.  Daisy does not get along with Nala &
Meeko.  So when they are out I have to separate them.  They go back and
forth between being able to run the whole downstairs (where my husband and
I are usually at) or the whole upstairs (which includes the ferret fun room
and the bathroom, they love the tub).  In group two: Tookie, Gurgi, Buzz,
Woody, Tinkerbell and Tito.  Gurgi would like nothing more than to beat the
*%!# out of Tito.  So when they are out I have to separate them also.  It's
funny that Gurgi is such a bully with Tito when he is afraid of all of the
ferrets in group one, even the tiniest, Meeko.  Pooh Bear and Abu get along
with everyone in both groups except Gurgi.  I think because Gurgi wanted to
be the big boss, but presently Pooh Bear holds that title.  Abu thinks
Gurgi's a little to big for his britches.  All the ferrets get out usually
twice a day, sometimes three times on days off.  They are usually sleeping
when I put them to bed so they are out enough to get tuckered out.  During
the times that they are out I always go find sleeping ferrets to either
cuddle or get them to play.  I am always running upstairs to the gate to
allow the ferrets that get along with everyone to go to whichever side of
the gate that they want.  Another reason I had for finding a home for Tito
is ferret math.  Tito has a ferret to sleep with everyday and it varies
between anybody in group two besides Gurgi.  Well as most of us know the
logic behind ferret math ... I could save another ferret so that Tito could
have his very own friend, arrgghh!  I swore Gurgi was the last, that was
five ferrets ago.
The reply to this question: "However, it would be great to get an update
on the FML or personally, or why post?"
I have not deleted anything in my mailbox since forever.  I just went
through it and pulled out all the e-mails that I got and responded to,
which are listed above.  I can't imagine that I missed one.  If you
e-mailed me then I responded to you personally.  I can not respond to you
now because you are anonymous.  And to the last part of the question
"... why post?"  I post to get responses.  And I do get responses from
very kind people that are willing to take some of their time to help me and
my fuzzies.  Maybe not just in finding a home for baby boy blaze but for
babies that were sick or dying.  I've responded to everyone about Tito, but
I can say when I've had a sick baby, I might not have.  It's hard when your
worried sick, trying to compile everyone's advice, talk to the vet, go to
the vet, force feed, pick up medicine, making duck soup, etc, etc, etc.
I've been told a few times not to worry about replying, they say that they
know it's a difficult time and I should just concentrate on my sick baby.
What I wonder is ... why is someone so much more concerned about a ferret
up for adoption (that's obviously being cared for *loved*), rather than a
ferret that's sick or dying?  After all, I've never had anyone ask *THROUGH
THE FML* for an update on how my sick or dying ferret was ... I've never
had anyone say, "Hey it would be great to get an update on the FML or
personally, or why post?" when one of my ferrets was in ill health.  So
what's up with this?  Am I missing something here?
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2939]