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Sat, 27 Nov 1999 14:54:14 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Again we are seeing posts from people who went out and got a PILE of
ferrets, instead of starting with one to three at the most for a few years,
but now they are unhappy with having so many.  Hasn't anyone heard the
maxim: "When a little is good, a lot is not necessarily better."?  We love
ferrets and have been involved with them for something in the 16 to 18 year
range -- guess I'll have to soon put "in the 17 to 19 year range" given
that we do think our first was in Spring time -- but there are LIMITS.
These have to be determined according to the needs of the ferrets and of
the people.  Some individuals just go and get more and more and more till
they can't cope with the medical costs, or can't deal with the potty
accidents, or whatever.  Then they scream about the ferrets and want to
unload the lot of them -- as if it were all the fault of the ferrets.  Hey,
folks, guess what?  The goof wasn't the ferrets' it was YOUR'S.  It gets
even sadder when some get too many all in the same age bracket and have 4
or 5 or more all ill at once with their final illnesses when they get old.
That's heartbreaking.  Yes, I know that sometimes unforeseen things like
severe human illness can happen, but there are also a lot of times when
people complain about the ferrets when they should be examining their OWN
behavior and adjusting it so that it is possible to have just the right
number (or just under the right number to be safe) for care concerns,
medical needs, and happiness for all.  Perhaps seeing posts from the people
complaining will make some newbies who are more logical than the posters
were recognize that they could be in the same spot if they abrogate common
sense.  Live and learn.  Right?
Sandee talk is extreme baby talk.  Having mild dyslexia I can't deal with
it, either, but there are and always have been people here who like that,
so to each his/her own...
Ashling: "Hold STILL, Mom!  I've got a runny nose and I really want to blow
it, but I just do NOT have time to climb up to your lap and wait for you to
get out the handkerchief for me, so I'm just going to use the back of your
left leg.  Like this... Ah, That's better.  Hey, wait!  Is Warp using the
handkerchief?  No fair!  Let me up and let me show you what a REAL hanky
nose blow looks like.  #$$%%**&&# Warp..."
"$%^*(&%$* Meeteetse!  I just got the grown-ups to put bags over the ends
of the tube like ***I*** enjoy it, and that old woman keeps coming up and
removing the bags!!!!!!!"
(For those who have never tried it, we've found that most ferret easily
take to using a handkerchief very regularly, and they like to show it off
in public places like animal hospital waiting rooms where the dogs and cats
have no where near as much sophistication.)
[Posted in FML issue 2879]