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Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:31:28 -0400
text/plain (21 lines)
Hi everyone!
My name is Michelle and I am owned by four ferrets (Oscar, miko, Tinker and
Tiny) and two cats (Eclipse and Tigger)  I just wanted to tell you how much
I have enjoyed reading this mailing list and how it has helped me relate
and take care of my little ones.
I never bought them myslef, I entered a relationship where my bf had two
already.  (tinker and Tiny) and I became their step mom. :-D   As the
relationship continued I went and got two more ferrets from afreidn that
couldn't look after them anymore.  (Oscar and Miko) So I guess I am like a
step Mom to all of them, but I love them all dearly.  Even though they run
around, steal slippers and bite my ankles at times.  Hehehehehe!
So I just wanted to introduce myself and my little ones.
Take Care Everyone and have a great day!
Michelle and the Gang.
Oscar, miko, Tinker and Tiny.
[Posted in FML issue 2861]