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Sat, 6 Nov 1999 21:51:47 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
Hello.  I've been owned by my six guys (and gal) for up to six years now.
This is the first time I've ever seen this behavior.  Charles recently
started licking what I imagine is urine from the carpet remnants I buy to
line the bottom of their cages (yes, there is a defiant one amongst them).
He licks the rug around the outside of the litter pan.  Immediately I
yanked the rug out and replaced it with a fresh rug.  The next day I
noticed him doing the same thing.  The day after I noticed him eating the
poop deposited next to the litter pan.  What would cause him to suddenly
start doing this?  Noteably, there was a recent change in their diet from 8
in 1 to Totally Ferret.  He shares 2 litter pans with 6 ferrets, which is
changed daily.  There is continuously food and water in their cage, so they
aren't lacking in anything from what I can see.  This is a suddenly new
behavior in a 4 year old ferret.  Also, noteworthy is that I just moved to
a new apartment.  They get free range in their own bedroom.  Anyone who has
experienced this behavior please share?  It's really starting to gross me
out. =-P
*Dooks* to all!  ~ Dee, Mooch, 'Spresso, Breezely Bruin, Charles, Dash &
[Posted in FML issue 2858]