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Fri, 25 Feb 2000 09:24:19 -0600
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I have been trying to go through the old pile of email, but I'm stimied
by a current lack of stamina.  I blame it on the drugs given to me by my
doctor, who I think was born during the sixties and probably has a
predisposition to handing out hallucigenics.  I am trying to keep up with
the newer stuff (not well, I still have a few dozen to read).
For the next week or two, I request people hang on to the forwarded jokes,
poems, pcitures, etc., they have been sending to cheer me up or make me
feel better.  I really appreciate them, but right now I am spending too
much time reading and not enough time answering.  I just found an email
from a person who needed an immediate answer, but I didn't have time or
energy to open the mail until this morning because I was spending it
reading forwarded jokes and stuff.  This is especially true in regards to
web-based get-well cards which pull me out of Eudora to Netscape.  Even in
normal times I don't have time for everything, but it is far worse after
taking my recent Scar Trek.
As for those who are asking questions or need advice, please type "DATED
MATERIAL" or "REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION" in the subject line and I will
give them a priority.  Hopefully, if people take both suggestions, I won't
miss an important dated question, and I will also have time to wade through
my email.
In other matters, I think I will be well enough to travel the first of
March.  A number of people have asked me to stop and consume vast quanities
of beer and tacos.  I think they want to see if I will actually explode.  I
am planning to take I-70 west roughly to Denver, swing around for the Great
Sand Dunes, the south through Sante Fe to Albuquerque, west to Flagstaff,
south through Phoenix to Casa Grande, then west to San Diego.  I will then
head north to Sacramento, east through Reno (I just HAVE to stop at
Lovelock), Salt Lake, then home.  I'm leaving the northern route open to
accomodate the weather, but I'm pretty sure I'll drive through Cheyenne.  I
hope to drive south through the Yellowstone.  As before, I will accept
invitations to visit or give long boring lectures as time permits, on a
first asked, first accepted basis.  Beer and tacos are encouraged;
ferrets are mandatory.  Email me with "STOP HERE" in the subject line.
Someone wrote and suggested a contest be held to award the person who takes
the funniest picture of me on this trip (the suggestion being made after I
revealed my plans to have a photo taken of me mooning the CaCaLand Fishing
Gestapo office in Sacramento).  Perhaps all of the photos of me could be
posted for all to vote on.  Or marvel at the texture.  Or print out for
dart targets.  I would agree IF people who have shot me in the past are
allowed to enter (I think the wonderful Betty has one of me mooning an
elephant and I think the unforgetable Lynn has one of me mooning Edward
the L.  Maybe not exactly mooning, but at least acting like an ass....).
If someone wants to place such pictures on a page, I'll contribute the
first one of me mooning, I mean mugging with Carbone and Mickey Moose.
Besides getting to see an extremely dorky individual, you can see what a
beautiful black sable and the world's largest silver mitt look like when
bored out of their skulls.  Who knows the future (blackmail) value of
such photos in the future.  Perhaps the award could be a free hour with a
Bob C and 16 Mo' Creative Dorks
[Posted in FML issue 2972]