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Sun, 20 Feb 2000 13:23:38 -0500
"Caitlyn M. Martin" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Mary in MI wrote:
>I really wish people would quit using "We will never get pet stores to
>quit selling ferrets" as some sort of logical reasoning for not doing
>something.  Its simple defeatism.  The dog and cat community have not
>stopped the selling of puppies and kittens totally but they have certainly
>made in roads and fewer pet stores carry them Its a constant ongoing
>education process as young people come of age.  They haven't given up the
>fight and neither should we.
You are, of course, assuming that all ferret lovers share your beliefs
and your cause.  I, for one, do not.  I see nothing wrong with those pet
stores who do some education and take proper care of their animals.  The
one nearest my home (the only one in our town) does sell kits, does not
use wood shavings for bedding, does take their ferrets out for play and
socialization, and is letting prospective owners know just how high
maintenance ferrets are.  I do not want to take their business away.
You do.
I would never have owned a ferret if pet stores didn't have them.  Most
folks do not know about shelters before they come into the community, and
many new owners (I suspect this would have included me) are turned down
by shelters.  Today, if I chose to add to my business, yes, I'd choose a
rescue/shelter ferret.  That doesn't make pet stores evil.  There are good
and bad ones.
Besides, there are special joys to raising kits...
OK, flame away.  You will not change my views on this.
Take care,
Caity and the adventurous eight
[Posted in FML issue 2966]