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Thu, 30 Dec 1999 21:29:40 -0500
The WILSONs <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hey everyone!
Happy New Year!!!
I have a really funny story about my babies from this recently past
christmas.  I gave all three of my fuzzies a new toy in their stocking.  My
male ferret received a rubber puppy toy that he loves more than anything.
He had one, but has killed it a long time ago.  So, he was really happy to
get another one.  Well, my finace was playing with the male with his new
toy when one of the other babies came and wanted the toy.  My finace gave
it to the other fuzzy, and the male was not happy that his toy was given to
someone else.  So, to let my finace know how he felt, the male openned his
mouth bigger than ever before, and inserted my finace's arm.  He said it
took about 5 minutes to detach said male ferret, and when the ferret was
removed my fiance found 5 bleeding holes in his arm.  So, the lesson to be
leanred here is to never give another fuzzy a toy that belongs to another.
Yes, the male was repremanded by loud screams of pain, and caged for a
time out.  However, all is well again, and toys are shared only among the
ferrets, not via humans.
[Posted in FML issue 2914]