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Mon, 20 Dec 1999 09:31:49 -0500
"Simkins, Erin K" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi all, my name is Erin... I live in Warren, Ohio and I'm owned by two
adorable fuzzies, Lynx and Tigger.  Sadly, my baby Smokey went to Rainbow
Bridge the day after Thanksgiving this year.  I adopted him from a friend
who could no longer care for him... He wasn't even a year old!  It was a
horrible experience and I'm still in shock... foreign body ingestion...
surgery but he couldn't handle the physical stress afterwards... I loved
him so much and still can't talk very freely about it... Anyway...
I'm new to the FML and I really enjoy reading everyone's stories.  In the
last issue, there was a letter written by Manae in Henderson, NV (Issue
#2903) about her allergic reactions to her ferrets.  I'm lucky and have no
allergies to anything that I know of.   However, I have friends and family
members who are dependent on inhalers and get rashes at the first sight of
animals...especially cats and ferrets.  I've put a special air purifier in
my house that literally purifies the air by using electricity.  It's about
the size of a toaster and cleans my air very much like a thunderstorm with
lightning would.  I have no ferrety odors, just clean air... my friends and
family can come in my house without breaking out in rashes and sneezing
fits...  It's really great!  I don't even have to replace filters!  Send me
a note if you want to know more, I'd be glad to help you or anyone out with
allergies (as this little device has helped me out TREMENDOUSLY!).
To everyone and their fuzzies, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!  Thank you for the support
you've given me without even knowing it... I'm trying to be the best human
to my babies (they're the only things that keep me sane...) and always
looking for better ideas.
Erin, Lynx and Tigger...
I miss you Smokey.... :-{
[Posted in FML issue 2904]