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Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:29:53 EST
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello all,
A friend/neighbor of ours found a ferret apparently abandonned in a
shopping plaza parking lot where she works.  Her husband called us to see
if we could take it in, and didn't have many details so I had images of a
dirty cage with no food and a half starved critter.  Much to my surprise,
what arrived was a nice clean cage with a litter box, blanket, food dish
(full) and water bottle (also full) and an absolutely gorgeous marked white
ferret with the fullest coat I have ever seen.  This ferret is VERY well
taken care of, even slightly on the plump side.  His teeth are clean, nails
fairly trimmed, ears clean... I'm just baffled about why anyone would leave
him.  My friend left word with the gym where she works if anyone comes in
to claim him to call her; maybe they were loading their car and forgot the
ferret???  I can't begin to guess.
Anyway, due to the high medical bills we have going on with our older guys,
taking in number 8 right now really isn't feasible.  I would like to help
him find a good home for Christmas, though.  We will keep him for the next
week or so just in case his owners claim him.  But I wanted to get the word
out to anyone in the Tampa, FL area, or within reasonable travel distance
who would be interested in adopting a beautiful ferret.  He does appear to
be deaf, but seems very gentle, hasn't tried to nip at all.  He's not MF
and doesn't look like the PV's that I've seen.  I can't guess his age; his
clean teeth and the black markings make me believe he's young, yet his
weight and "good manners" make him seem older.  Please email me directly
as I am a couple weeks behind on my FML reading and may miss your post.
Thanks, Lucie
                       (=^ ' ^ =)
                    o00 -\o/- 00o
[Posted in FML issue 2904]