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Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:11:53 -0600
Ann Barzda <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
Some very good stuff has been said on judging, and I am not going to
comment on it here.
However, my name was brought up in one of the posts on judging, in what I
felt was a manner that implied my integrity, honesty and truthfulness in
the judging ring were questioned.  I do not believe the poster meant
anything negative, nor am I flaming her for her comments.
BUT.  My word is my bond, my honor, and having someone question the
integrity and honesty of my judging affects me now, personally, at shows,
and possibly in the future, when someone, somewhere may think I am being
unethical in my judging.
I meant to keep this all private, but since it has come out on the FML I
feel compelled to answer it here.  I have no wish to get into any kind of
a political discussion about LIFE or the AFA.  I enjoy going to and
participating in both shows.  I have friends I intend to keep who work in
both organizations.  I intend to continue participating in both shows.  I
work with both LIFE (only as a specialty judge) and the AFA (as a
Here is the comments that affected me:
>Bill, I was at that show - and in my opinion from where I was sitting -
>Ann is an apprentice judge with AFA as well as a new specialty judge with
>LIFE and it certainly appeared that she was being influenced by you - you
>were speaking, pointing to the ferret and she was nodding her head
I would NEVER allow anyone else to speak for me or to influence me in any
way whatsoever.  Had anyone been sitting in the steward's chair I would
have behaved EXACTLY the same way.  I am one of those judges who talks
constantly with their steward.  Yes, Bill was speaking.  In more than one
instance, he said "What a cute ferret."  I nodded politely.
That's it.  Bill has been a judge for many years, and has shown and been a
breeder for many years.  Any questions or comments between us were asked
and answered from a breeder's perspective.  I asked him no questions about
albinos, except for one question that could only have helped the exhibitor -
"This is a breeding hob.  How much of the yellow staining can I reasonably
expect the owner to be able to get out?"  I asked him as a breeder, not as
a judge.  Period.  The same way I would have asked questions of any
responsible person sitting in the steward's chair.
You cannot question my integrity in this way and imply that my judging was
faulty because I was influenced.  I was not.  All I have is my word of
honor that nothing of the sort occurred.
I stand by my scores and the placings as being mine and mine alone.  If
mistakes were made, they are mine and mine alone.  If anyone has any
questions about my judging at that show or at any other, I am more than
happy to explain my reasoning.  I wish more people would ask.
>You are a senior AFA judge and your opinion to a novice judge (especially
>one you might be training with AFA) carries a lot of weight."
Do not imply either that Bill attempted to influence me.  I would have
kicked him out of the ring if I thought he was trying anything.
I may be a novice judge in ferrets, but I am not a naive, novice person.  I
have been judging other species for years.  I am not so easily influenced
by anyone.  If you really knew me, you would know I am far too
strong-willed for that.
>You know as well as I do that appearance is everything -- controversies
>have been started over less.
Yes, unfortunately.  The appearance was obviously misleading.
I have heard no complaints from anyone at LIFE or any exhibitors, however.
You are the first person to bring this up.
>It wouldn't have been fair to the exhibitors at a LIFE show for their
>ferrets to be judged as if they were at an AFA show, or have that
>appearance.  "
They were not.  They were judged by LIFE standards.
If you had a problem with me, then you also should have had a problem with
several other of the specialty judges, who are also either AFA judges or
are in the AFA program.  I was not the only person at that show judging
specialties from the AFA, and your notes certainly imply that Bill and I
were the only AFA people there.
Please.  I will always strive to be as ethical and fair and honest as I
can be in my judging, no matter which group I am working for.  And I will
uphold the standards of the group sanctioning the show.
Sorry this is long, but the repercussions of these accusations could affect
me for a long time and I was compelled to answer them.
Ann Barzda
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[Posted in FML issue 2899]