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Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:18:53 -0500
"Regina J. Hart" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
As an AFA judge in training, I'll give a shot at answering your questions.
Please forgive any errors on my part-  I am still learning!
>Do judges have a certain ferret prototype in mind when judging?
The AFA does have "standards" by which the ferrets are judged.  So, in a
word, yes we do have a prototype or 'ideal' ferret in mind (with
consideration given to the ferret's gender, age, and alter status, of
>Does body type make a difference?
Each ferret is judged against the 'ideal' for his/her gender, age, and
alter status.  Of course males will be built differently than females.
Older ferrets may have less muscle mass, more angular skeletal structure,
different nail and teeth hygene, etc.  Ferrets that have been altered at a
young age will often have a different build than those altered later.
Unaltered ferrets are different in structure than either those altered
early or late.  Uh, back to the question- one body type is not prefered
over the other provided that it is healthy and appropriate for the ferrets
gender, age, and alter status.
>Do LIFE judges look for things differently than AFA judges?
I do not have experience judging under the LIFE system, but I believe from
my showing experience and general knowledge that the two systems do have
somewhat different standards.
>Is a championship show more rigorously judged than other kind of shows?
Ferrets in an AFA championship ring are judged for a whole host of
characteristics: head shape, skeletal frame, muscle structure/condition,
proportions, coat color/pattern, care/maintenance, and temperament.  In the
AFA specialty rings, the ferrets are only evaluated for color/pattern and
coat condition (except for certain unique specialty rings like the
companion class where a few additional factors are considered).
>What are judges looking for in championships kits for example?
Oh goodness.  Where to start?  The list above serves to guide us in our
evaluation.  The specifics for each item would be a bit much to enumerate
here.  Suffice to say that we are looking for a healthy, well-maintained
ferret who is of pleasant disposition.  Keep in mind too, that the emphasis
differs depending upon the class.  Physical structure plays a larger role
in the breeder class where altered ferrets are critiqued more closely for
maintenance and temperament.
>Do new judges go through an internship with another judge before they go it
on their own?
Again, I can speak only of the AFA program when I say most definitely!  The
AFA has a structured program through which each judge must pass before
becoming licensed.  Among the requirements (but not all of them): trainees
have a mentor judge, attend training seminars, steward and train under
different judges and in different classes at shows, study the judge's
handbook, and pass a written and practical exam.
If you're interested in learning more about the AFA judging program, visit
http://www.ferret.org/overview.htm.  Contact information is located at the
bottom of the page.
If you're interested in learning more about the AFA show system in general
and how ferrets are judged, you may request the AFA Exhibitor's Guidebook.
For details, send a request to [log in to unmask] or call 1-888-FERRET-1.  As
well, a "demonstration" ring is usually offered before the judging begins
at some AFA shows.  During this demo, the judge explains what he/she is
looking for and how ferrets are evaluated.  Finally, you're always welcome
to talk to judges during breaks or after the show.  : )
Happy ferreting!
Gina Hart/Sage Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2897]