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Thu, 9 Dec 1999 21:57:28 -0400
Noelle Bochichio <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hello to all!  Thought I would jump on the intro bandwagon.  My husband and
I have 2 beautiful girls, Star & Sega.  We have owned ferrets since 1994.
We live in Stamford, CT.  I was wondering if anyone can suggest a vet in
the Fairfield County area?  It would be most appreciated.  Someone my
husband works with gave him a brochure from a vet in Wilton, CT.  It's the
South Wilton Vet Group run by Dr. Sitinas.  His credentials are very
impressive along with the other doctors there and they claim to specialize
in "exotics" but I don't know anyone who has had any experiences with them.
If anyone has any feedback about the South Wilton Vet Group please let me
know.  I have one more question.  One of my girls (Sega) has very dry paw
pads.  I have been massaging Vaseline on them but it doesn't seem to be
doing much in the long-term to help moisturize/rehydrate them.  Is there
something else I can use that would be more beneficial and non-toxic incase
she licks them?  Thank you in advance for any advice.
Star & Sega
[Posted in FML issue 2893]