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Thu, 9 Dec 1999 09:47:16 -0800
Lise O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
I sent an email yesterday asking not only for ferret sitters near my new
home (Flemington, NJ), but to offer my services if anyone would like me to
transfer ferts for them over the holidays.  When I sent the post, I was not
100%; I had had seven hours of sleep in five days.  See where excitement
and stress get ya <g>!  So, in the likely hood that I messed up yesterday's
post, please let me reiterate my offer and itinerary:
Transfer (as in Ferrets across America) for anyone (ferrets) who require
travel at Christmas time.  Unfortunately, I am going one way, so little
Santa Ferrets, I cannot help you if your sleigh breaks down.  <g>
General Time Frame:
December 23rd (Thursday)
Leave the Houston area circa 4pm.
Arrive in Austin (via I-290) circa 8pm (I'm speedy
Gonzalez, but I'll be driving a moving truck, so I am
not certain of the time frame).
December 24th (Friday)
Leave Austin, TX between 6-10am
Arrive in Topeka, KS circa 6pm-12am
      Spend X-mas in Topeka (Shawnee Heights) with
December 26th (Sunday)
Leave Topeka circa 6-9am
Arrive in Flemington N.J.  area somewhere between December 29-30th (The van
needs to be returned by the 31st).
My Aunt is having AAA put together my route, so at this time I am not
certain of what roads I will take.  I guess by looking at a map you can
get a general idea.  I do not mind venturing one hour off my route to get
fuzzies to their new homes--or to a half way point.  Just email me if you
are interested in my services.
Oh, and yes, I am aware of Ferrets Across America, but the last time I
emailed them regarding a road trip, I never received a response.  I would
love to help anyone out, so, again, please email me (with a phone number,
if you wish) and I will respond.
Oh, and the ferrets will "sit" up front with me.
Nobody (or, rather, no furr-face) will ride in back.
Lise and the "Seven 'To New Jersey or Bust' Fun Loving Criminals".
[Posted in FML issue 2893]